Distributional cost-effectiveness analysis (DCEA)

DCEA is a general term for various ways of analysing equity in the distribution of costs and effects as well as value for money in terms of aggregate costs and effects.

Online Course: Distributional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

Equity impact plane

For the public

For professionals


Simple DEA calculator

Journal articles

Book chapters

Journal articles

  • Distributional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Health Care Programmes – A Methodological Case Study of The UK Bowel Cancer Screening Programme. Health Economics 2014
  • The Social Distribution of Health: Estimating Quality-Adjusted Life Expectancy in England. Value in Health 2015
  • Universal Public Finance of Tuberculosis Treatment in India: An Extended Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Health Economics 2015
  • Equity-Informative Health Technology Assessment – A Commentary. Social Science & Medicine. Accepted manuscript version Cookson et al: Cookson - commentary on equity-informative economic evaluation (PDF , 294kb)
  • Eliciting the Level of Health Inequality Aversion in England. Health Economics
  • Distributional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Low- And Middle-Income Countries: Illustrative Example of Rotavirus Vaccination in Ethiopia. Health Policy and Planning 2018
  • Aggregate Distributional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Health Technologies. Value in Health 2019
  • Novel Approaches to Value Assessment Within the Cost-Effectiveness Framework. Value in Health 2019
  • Striving for A Societal Perspective: A Framework for Economic Evaluations When Costs and Effects Fall on Multiple Sectors And Decision Makers. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 2019
  • Methods to Promote Equity in Health Resource Allocation in Low- And Middle-Income Countries: An Overview. Globalization and Health 2020
  • Estimating Social Variation in the Health Effects of Changes in Health Care Expenditure. Medical Decision Making 2020
  • Distributional Cost Effectiveness Analysis of West Yorkshire Low Emission Zone Policies. Health Economics 2020
  • Impact of Socioeconomic Differences on Distributional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Medical Decision Making 2020
  • Distributional Impact of the Malawian Essential Health Package. Health Policy and Planning 2020
  • How Health Inequalities Accumulate and Combine to Affect Treatment Value: A Distributional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Smoking Cessation Interventions. Social Science & Medicine 2020
  • Quality Adjusted Life Years Based on Health and Consumption: A Summary Wellbeing Measure for Cross-Sectoral Economic Evaluation. Health Economics 2020. (Forthcoming)

Reports and working papers

  • Identifying Appropriate Methods to Incorporate Concerns About Health Inequalities into Economic Evaluations of Health Care Programmes. Final Report
  • Lifecourse Modelling for Childhood Policy Analysis. Equipol Working Paper (PDF) 2020.

Online distributional cost-effectiveness analysis tool

Policy workshops

  • Workshop 1 in March 2012 (overview)
  • Workshop 2 in February 2013 (bowel cancer screening case study)

MSc workshops.

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