CHE research in economic evaluation spans applied and methods work within health technology assessment (HTA), policy and public health. Our research is conducted in collaboration with local and national decision makers, as well as with global health partners

Our expertise includes economic analyses integrated into clinical trials, decision analytic modelling studies, evidence synthesis and economic and statistical evaluation of observational and retrospective data sets. It also covers policy analysis related to health care technologies and other interventions and their regulation by public bodies. We deliver a number of short courses focused on decision analytic modelling, advanced methods for economic evaluation in HTA, statistical methods for economic evaluation and distributional cost effectiveness analysis.

Our work in economic evaluation is founded in our established links to policy. CHE, jointly with CRD, is an assessment group for the NICE Technology Appraisals programme. This work supports the role of NICE in improving outcomes for people using the NHS and other public health and social care services by ensuring national guidance is underpinned by rigorous and independent assessments of clinical effectiveness and value for money. CHE is also part of the NICE Decision Support Unit (DSU), with several other universities. The DSU is commissioned by NICE to provide research and training resources, including guidance on HTA methods.

The NIHR Policy Research Unit in Economic Methods of Evaluation in Health and Social Care Interventions (EEPRU) is a collaboration between the University of Sheffield and CHE. The unit conducts a broad programme of applied and methods research to assist policy makers in the Department of Health and Social Care and its arms-length bodies to improve the allocation of resources in health and social care.

The Applied Research Collaborations (ARC) is a programme of regional networks, for which CHE co-leads the Health Economic Equity and Evaluation theme for ARC Yorkshire & Humber. This fosters collaborative research across a range of public health topics.

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Laura Bojke

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Laura Bojke