Dates - Tuesday 9th - Thursday 11th September 2025

The course will run from 9:00am to 6:00pm BST (GMT+1) on the first day and from 9:30am to 5:00pm on the next two days. 

In-person (University of York)

Course Leader: Andrea Manca




This three-day in-person Advanced course focuses on the use of statistical methods for the analysis of individual patient-level cost, effects (e.g. survival and health-related quality of life) and other type of data used in cost-effectiveness analysis for HTA. It is intended for people who wish to learn how to apply (and interpret the results of) more advanced techniques for the analysis of data collected alongside both experimental (e.g. RCTs) and observational (sometimes referred to as “real-world”) studies, where the objective is to estimate within-study quantities (e.g. differential mean costs) or to derive key input parameters to populate economic evaluation models for HTA. The course includes a mixture of taught modules and practical exercises. 

It is envisaged that participants interested in attending these courses are people currently undertaking, reviewing or commissioning analyses of health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) data, within the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, consultancy, academia or the health service.

Teaching methods

Practical exercises will be conducted in Stata® to help participants appreciate how the methods described during the lectures can be used in real life. Some prior knowledge of Stata® is recommended to be able to maximise the learning opportunity offered by the practical exercises. Each participant will be given access to the latest version of the Stata® software. Stata® codes (do-files) required to complete the exercises will be provided and all exercises will be supported by Faculty and a group of tutors. 

Contact us

CPD Unit
Course administrators
+44 (0)1904 326862

Contact us

CPD Unit
Course administrators
+44 (0)1904 326862