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Distributional Cost Effectiveness Analysis: Online Course

An online course focusing on methods for analysing equity in the distribution of health programme costs and effects and trade-offs between equity and cost-effectiveness. The course is aimed at health economists and health professionals with experience of health economic evaluation, who wish to learn how to use more specialised methods for analysing distributional equity impacts and trade-offs.  It is designed for participants who are familiar with standard methods of cost-effectiveness analysis, for example those who have already attended our short courses in Decision Modelling for Health Economic Evaluation. It is envisaged that participants will currently be undertaking cost-effectiveness analysis, or planning to do so in the near future. The course consists of five modules over five weeks, with each module requiring about four or five hours of time commitment for self-paced study and online interaction – about one and a half hours for pre-recorded video material, one hour for a computer exercise, one hour for attending a ‘live’ Q&A session, and one or two hours for reading and discussion board interaction - totalling 20 to 25 hours altogether. 

Purchase the course handbook

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand and explain the basic concepts of distributional cost-effectiveness analysis (DCEA)
  • Design a full or simplified DCEA study that provides useful information about the direction and magnitude of health equity impact in a specific decision-making context
  • Estimate distributions of health effects and health opportunity costs by adapting a standard cost-effectiveness model – either themselves or in collaboration with others
  • Calculate suitable summary measures of health inequality impact
  • Analyse trade-offs between reducing health inequality and cost-effectiveness
  • Communicate DCEA findings clearly, by producing suitably designed figures and tables and explaining to decision makers what they mean

This course is being managed by The Conference Consultancy. For all enquiries, full details & how to book, please visit the course website or email.

Course dates

  • The course consists of 5 sessions between Monday 23 October and Friday 24 November 2023