Opportunities to work and study with CHE

The Centre for Health Economics (CHE) offers a variety of opportunities for researchers at all stages of their career to work with us.

We regularly advertise studentship and fellowship opportunities. These are posted in our news section, on the University of York’s Jobs page, and in external media including on jobs.ac.uk.

Read more about postgraduate study and distance learning opportunities.

CHE Research Fellowship

The Centre for Health Economics Research Fellowship scheme enables health economists from anywhere in the world to come to the University of York and develop collaborative work with CHE researchers. 

The fellowships began as a tribute to Professor Alan Williams in 2006, embodying Alan’s belief in bringing people together to talk, to research and to work collaboratively.

Researchers wishing to visit CHE are invited to apply and the fellowship award is intended as a contribution towards living and travel expenses associated with the visit. The call for applications is placed on the website during January and February annually. Please visit our News section during that period for information.

Past fellows

Fernando is from the Center for Research and Teaching in Economics, Mexico, and his research project is focused on using real-world data for evidence synthesis, personalised considerations and causal inference using individual-level DES modelling techniques.

Ricarda is from the University of Hamburg, Germany, and her research project is to systematically review policies and their effects to attract GPs to, and retain them in, under-served areas in eight OECD countries.

Hugo is from the University of Bristol, UK, and his research project is to demonstrate the ability of dose-response Model-Based Network Meta-Analysis to strengthen cost-effectiveness decisions in the presence of sparse relative effectiveness evidence.