
In July 2024, after much consideration, the University Executive Board decided to approve the closure of Wentworth College Nucleus and mothball the building. 

One of our key objectives is to provide higher quality, more suitable spaces for staff and students, enhancing the overall use of space while reducing our carbon emissions, energy use, and operating costs. 

Wentworth College Nucleus is an old building which cannot be effectively brought up to modern standards of performance and usability and is causing serious operational problems. It also incurs high operational costs, is ineffective to run, and significant portions of the building are already closed to staff and student use.


Wentworth will continue to operate as one of our eleven colleges and this closure will not affect accommodation. 

Building users, student facilities and offices, will be relocated.

This is another significant step towards a more efficient and sustainable estate.

When and Where

We are working towards a plan for September 2024.

How will it affect me

Those directly affected by the closure and subsequent relocations have been involved in engagement with DTEF. Users of the building and all Wentworth students are aware of the building changes.

Contact us

More questions? Please email the Campus Development Team


Contact us

More questions? Please email the Campus Development Team
