CAHR advising and supporting peace-building efforts in Colombia

News | Posted on Wednesday 29 May 2024

Dr José Gutiérrez is currently working as advisor to one of the peace processes going on in Colombia.

José is working under a contract with the Organisation of American States (OAS), and is advisor to the negotiating table between the Colombian government and one of the FARC-EP factions that decided not to demobilise in 2016, the EMC of the FARC-EP.

This year so far, he has participated in two rounds of negotiations: in January (Bogotá) and in March (Guaviare), where some progress was made towards identifying issues for the agenda and some territorial transformations in some of the conflict-affected regions in the south of the country.

Colombia has the longest running internal armed conflict in the western hemisphere, spanning for several decades. Over the past four decades a number of attempts and negotiations to solve the problem have been put in practice, making Colombia a very important case for transitional justice, and more recently, to some transformative approaches that have been explored.