Accessibility statement

Professor Ioana Cismas
Co-Director of the Centre for Applied Human Rights


An international law scholar, Professor Ioana Cismas teaches, conducts research and provides legal and policy advice in public international law, human rights law, international humanitarian law, law and religion, and transitional justice. Ioana joined the York Law School and the Centre for Applied Human Rights in October 2017. 

Ioana’s research is applied, interdisciplinary, co-produced with practitioners and persons with lived experience of conflict and neglected diseases, and geared towards impact generation. Her work has attracted substantial research grants from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Swiss Network of International Studies, and several non-governmental organisations and charities. 

Currently, she leads the FCDO-funded Beyond Compliance Consortium. This ambitious programme of work seeks to develop the empirical evidence base and a contextualisable theoretical framework on how compliance and restraint by armed actors can prevent, reduce and respond to need and harm caused by war. 

Prior to joining York, Ioana lectured at Stirling Law School (2015-2017), was a scholar-in-residence at the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice at the New York University School of Law (2014), and a research fellow at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (2009-2013). At the Geneva Academy, she set up and coordinated the Law Clinic on Transitional Justice. In 2023, she was a Distinguished Fellow at Georgetown Law’s Human Rights Institute.

Ioana consults for international, non - and governmental organisations. In 2013, she served as consultant to the UN Special Rapporteur on transitional justice at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva. From 2009-2012, she was legal advisor to a member of the Advisory Committee of the UN Human Rights Council and drafted several studies for the Committee on discrimination in the context of the right to food and noma.

Ioana holds a PhD in International Law (summa cum laude) from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva.

Departmental roles

  • Co-Director, Centre for Applied Human Rights 
  • Member, York Law School Departamental Management Team 
  • Member, Centre for Applied Human Rights Steering Group
  • Joint Programme Leader, LLM in International Human Rights Law and Practice (2017-2022)

University roles

  • Member, Economics, Law, Management, Politics and Sociology (ELMPS) Ethics Committee (2017-2022)

Contact details

Professor Ioana Cismas
Centre for Applied Human Rights
University of York
6 Innovation Close
YO10 5ZF

Tel: +44 (0)1904 325833

Office hours beginning the 25th of September 2023

Monday 12-2pm

(Semester 1) 

For an appointment please email