Accessibility statement

York Computational Immunology Lab: Advancing Immunology Through Computational Modelling

York Computational Immunology Laboratory brings together the expertise of eight principal investigators spanning the Departments of Electronics, Biology/HYMS, Computer Science and Mathematics in the emerging area of systems immunology, pioneering the application of multi-dimensional, multi-scale (MDMS) modelling to solve immunological problems.

Historically modelling has been used to recreate known biology, in contrast we have utilised simulation modelling to address the unknown and generate novel hypotheses that can be tested experimentally. In this project we will further develop and utilise MDMS modelling technology combining mathematical approaches with “rich” agent based modelling to address key mechanistic questions in immunology including molecular mechanisms driving the generation and resolution of inflammatory pathology.

YCIL will develop a collaborative research environment, will develop and support open tools for modelling and demonstrate leadership through holding an international workshop in 2014 on systems immunology. We will apply computational approaches to understand mechanisms driving immune tissue function, homeostasis and remodelling and test the hypotheses emerging from the models in vivo.

This project builds on the work from several previous awards:

Read more about the project on the YCIL website.

Joint Principal Investigators

Professor Jon Timmis
Department of Electronics

Dr Mark Coles
Centre for Immunology and Infection (CII)


Professor Martin Bees
Department of Mathematics

Professor Paul Kaye
Centre for Immunology and Infection (CII)

Dr Marika Kullberg
Centre for Immunology and Infection (CII)

Dr Dimitris Lagos
Centre for Immunology and Infection (CII)

Dr Fiona Polack
Department of Computer Science

Dr Louis Rose
Department of Computer Science