A C2D2 Outreach grant was awarded to Dr Adar Pelah, Reader in the Dept of Electronics and Royal Academy of Engineering Enterprise Fellow, to support the purchase of equipment and development of a portable StroMoHab system for use in outreach activities. The funding enabled public demonstrations of StroMoHab, a stroke mobility rehabilitation system, in a number of UCAS and Open Days in the Department of Electronics, as well as a during the University of York Science Trail event held on 18th March 2013. Science Trails offer opportunities for Key Stage 4 school students to engage hands-on with science activities at the University, and several groups of students enthusiastically ‘had a go’ walking in StroMoHab’s virtual reality environment.
Finally, StroMoHab was featured at the Royal Academy of Engineering’s Soiree that was held in York in June, which contributed as well to the University’s 50th Anniversary celebrations. On this occasion, StroMoHab was demonstrated to a number of distinguished engineers and dignitaries, including amongst others HRH The Princess Royal, Sir John Parker, President of the RAEng, Greg Dyke, Chancellor of the University of York, and Professor Brian Cantor, Vice Chancellor of the University of York.
Project Lead
Dr Adar Pelah
Department of Electronics