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York Structural Biology Laboratory

York Structural Biology Laboratory (YSBL) leads the development of experimental, computational methods used by today's crystallographers.

Ground-breaking insights, powerful applications

YSBL uses and develops methods to determine, analyse and exploit the structure of proteins and their complexes with other molecules. This is research that gives powerful insights into biological functions, finds application in drug discovery and the exploitation in drug discovery and the exploitation of enzymes as biocatalysts.

Situated for success

YSBL is part of the University of York's Department of Chemistry but is housed in the Biology Department, reflecting the cross-disciplinary nature of the Laboratory's research. Full use is also made of the proteomics and genomics capabilities of the adjacent Technology Facility.
Many of YSBL's senior staff have leading international reputations in the area including:

  • structural biology
  • structural enzymology
  • crystallographic methods
  • synchrotron science
  • molecular modeling

Since 1990 the Laboratory has generated over 30 million pounds in research funding, maintaining a research group of around 80 scientists.

Global partnerships

In addition to national and international collaboration with academic groups, YSBL has long standing relationships with the pharmaceutical, biopharma and industrial enzymes industries. With an active programme of knowledge transfer the Laboratory frequently welcomes many scientists working on secondment. The Laboratory offers a popular Continuing Professional development course on Structure-Based Drug Discovery, suitable for scientists and pharmaceutical companies involved in early-stage lead generation.

The Biology Department is located on Wentworth Way on the Main Campus at Heslington

Find out more

The York Structural Biology Laboratory website provides additional information about:

  • staff members
  • research facilities
  • seminars, events and courses
  • PhD vacancies