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Management Knowledge Transfer Partnership (mKTP)

In May 2018 the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) published their Business Productivity Review which noted that the UK lags behind its competitors in terms of productivity. The review also identified that “Effective management can be the difference between failing companies and thriving companies”.

Part of the BEIS response to the 2018 review was to provide £25 million to fund mKTPs. In the current 2021/22 round there is a commitment of £14 million which should allow the support of approximately 100 additional mKTP projects.

mKTPs focus specifically on increasing productivity, effectiveness, resilience, sustainability and improving results through better management practices. They will enable transformational improvement and positive change by identifying key, strategic management based initiatives to increase the effectiveness of organisations.

Prof. Peter Ball from the University of York's School for Business and Society spoke to these themes at the West Yorkshire Innovation Festival 2021. Watch his talk on Transforming for a Resilient and Sustainable Future

The KTP Team at the University and our Regional Knowledge Transfer Advisers will assist organisations in determining whether your KTP project is a standard KTP or an mKTP. If you can answer yes to the majority of items on the BEIS 10-point checklist, then it is likely your project would be classified as an mKTP. 

10 point checklist for your project

  1. It is strategic, delivering organisation-wide change and productivity improvements.
  2. It involves leadership and strategic management practices and techniques, applies management theories and discusses or applies relevant research to demonstrate this.
  3. It is more than product or process development - it involves new management practices (empowerment, reward systems, human factors, communications etc).
  4. It contributes to or furthers academic research around productivity.
  5. It involves culture change, identifying the agents for such change.
  6. It quantifies the organisation's productivity before and after the project.
  7. It delivers a fully implemented system; has a holistic approach affecting multiple business areas.
  8. It includes an emphasis on people management in some form. Change to apply to management as well as employees.
  9. It incorporates research into a range of management practices to build a new management strategy.
  10. It is led by an academic team with specialist management experience.

KTP Team contact details:

Dr Rukmal Abeysekera
Knowledge Transfer Manager
Research & Enterprise
Ron Cooke Hub
Tel: +44 (0) 1904 32 1124

Cherry Warburton
Knowledge Transfer Administrative Assistant
Tel: +44 (0) 1904 32 1128