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Rewarding, challenging, enlightening - Echoes of our Team Leader/Supervisor apprenticeship programme

News | Posted on Friday 12 July 2024

Celebrating the success of our inaugural cohort.

On July 3rd, we celebrated on campus the success of our inaugural cohort of the Team Leader/Supervisor apprenticeship programme whose unique nature is defined by the fact that it is the first ever apprenticeship programme the UoY has delivered for its own members of staff as an Employer-Provider. 

Programme delivery staff, Senior Leadership representatives, friends and colleagues, we all gathered in joy to honour the impressive achievement of our work fellows who earned their apprenticeship qualification while working a full-time job. Notably, the vast majority graduated with flying colours which added an extra splash of vibrancy to an already triumphant learning journey; the glacé cherry on top of our celebration cake, so to speak.

Sarah Farrell, Programme Lead, proudly stated:

''Each learner accrued over 300 hours of off-the-job time, which they used to develop their leadership capabilities. They used some of this off-the-job time to contribute to important strategic objectives, thus benefiting their own teams, faculties and directorates. They started the programme in December 2022, at a challenging time for both the university and the wider sector, but rose to the challenge with determination and, as a result, each has achieved a Level 3 Team Leader/Supervisor, most at Distinction level.''

‘’Rewarding’’, ‘’Challenging’’, ‘’Enlightening’’; those were the words our learners chose to summarise their individual experience attesting to the fine quality of our staff apprenticeship programme. The clearly defined learning outcomes aligned with robust teaching activity and assessment, the enhanced engagement and the inclusive learning environment provided fertile ground for personal growth; the learners acquired new knowledge about themselves and felt more confident in their role at the UoY. It was also heartening to hear that kindness, learning from each other and mutual support were the elements that the learners valued the most about their cohort:

‘’We were all welcoming, non-judgmental and genuinely supportive of each other throughout the whole programme and beyond!’’

Additionally, our Team Leader/Supervisor programme, the result of a collaborative effort between the Apprenticeships Unit and People and Organisational Development, received high praise from line management whose support was fundamental to the learners’ success:

‘’Such an impactful programme which not only forces the learner to look outwardly but also and perhaps more effectively inwardly. It is evident from the witnessed personal growth and self development of my learner that the programme achieved what it hoped to achieve  - to inspire, to motivate, to challenge, to develop and to empower.’’

Having graced us with her presence, Professor Tracy Lightfoot, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Teaching, Learning and Students, handed out the certificates. She not only acknowledged the perseverance and high calibre of the learners and the outstanding work of the programme team, but also highlighted the great value of the programme and how it adds to the university's growing portfolio of apprenticeships.

The words of our learners still echo on the walls of our offices. Undeniably, the delivery of our first Team Leader/Supervisor apprenticeship programme has been a precious and humbling experience for us all. Our learners have taught us things and made us better at what we do benefitting both our ongoing and future cohorts. So, as much as we want to find the right words to express our gratitude and how proud we are of them, we can’t - because some things in life are simply beyond words. 

Heartfelt congratulations to:

Amanda Camplejohn (Faculty of Social Sciences), Rosie Coulthard (Research Innovation and Knowledge Exchange), Sophie Godfrey (Health Sciences), David Hartley (Directorate of Technology, Estates and Facilities), Simone Quinn (School of Physics, Engineering and Technology (PET), Jenne Roantree-Cham (Faculty of Social Sciences), and Louise Ward (Psychology).

Best of luck to Jayne McCullagh (Education) who is going through her End Point Assessment (EPA) soon! 

We are confident that you will all use your newly-acquired skills, knowledge and behaviours for the public good

Major kudos to:

Sarah Farrell (Programme Lead), Emma Woolfrey and Caroline La-Ffin (Programme Administrators), Leigh McDowell (Programme Assessor),  Heather Stout (People and Organisational Development Manager, HR), the Apprenticeships Unit, Jan Ball-Smith (Interim Head of Academic Affairs), Sarah Reynolds-Golding (former Interim Head of Apprenticeships), Matthew Jacobs (Head of Student Services, Dept of Health Sciences),  Professor Tracy Lightfoot (Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Teaching, Learning and Students)

and the line managers: Jamie Holliday (Director of Faculty Operations, Faculty of Social Sciences) John Painter-Blase (Student Services Manager, Dept of Health Sciences), Danielle Simpson (Student Support & Engagement Manager, Dept of Health Sciences), Chris Fielding (Campus Safety Technical Manager), Nicky Henson (Deputy Head of Faculty Operations, Dept of Education), Ros Roberts (Interim Director of Faculty Operations, Faculty of Arts and Humanities), Marysia Koc (Deputy Head of Faculty Operations for the Department of Politics and International Relations) and Mark Shaw (Deputy Head of Faculty Operations, Dept of Health Sciences and Dept of Psychology).