Dementia in Younger Ages Mapping Ideal Care (DYNAMIC)
Social care planning and provision for people with young onset dementia and their families: current practice and resources for improvement.
This project will identify key improvements needed in social care for people with young onset dementia (YOD) and their main supporters (family/friends) and produce recommendations and resources to enable these improvements.
Research team
University of Bradford Centre for Applied Dementia Studies
Professor Jan Oyebode: Chair of Dementia Care (joint project lead)
Dr Catherine Quinn: Associate Professor (joint project lead)
Helen Young: Research Assistant
Clare Mason: Assistant Professor
Dr Vasileios Stamou: Honorary Research Fellow
Experts by Experience
Julie Hayden
Elaine Daniels
University of York: School for Business and Society
Kate Gridley, Research Fellow, University of York, NIHR School for Social Care Research
The Young Dementia Network, hosted by Dementia UK, are a collaborator on the DYNAMIC project.
Our aim is to identify, prioritise and produce recommendations for improvements in social care for people with young onset dementia and their families.
Social care for people with young onset dementia (dementia that starts under the age of 65 years) is important, but the social care needs of this group can be different from those of older people and young onset dementia also impacts on families, including children and young people. Little research has been carried out in this area, and we plan to address this.
What we plan to do
We will interview 20-25 people with young onset dementia and family/friend supporters to find out about social care needs, experiences and the social care support they would like.
We will also carry out a survey of staff with a role in social care, to find out about professional awareness, knowledge and practice.
We will present our findings to stakeholders and agree on priorities for improvement. We will then produce recommendations and resources that address these priority issues. These will be informed by consultation with professionals who work in existing pockets of excellence and by searching on-line for evidence about good practice in the relevant areas.
How we are involving people with young onset dementia and family carers
People affected by young onset dementia were involved in the development of this research, and two experts by experience are on the research team to ensure all elements of the study are informed by lived experienced. The study was designed to maximise diversity, and we will be supported by a public involvement expert with links to wider groups.
How we will share our findings
We will publicise ongoing and final findings using different types of written and spoken communications.
Summaries and resources will be available through the Young Dementia Network website.
We want to convey our recommendations in interesting, accessible ways to people in practice and policy and those living with young onset dementia. If you have ideas about ways to get messages from this research to a wider audience please do get in touch.
To find out more about the study please contact Helen Young (Research Assistant):
Email: h.young@bradford.ac.uk
Tel: 07584 368525
Helping Us
Are you interested in helping to improve social care for people with young onset dementia? The DYNAMIC study is seeking to better understand current social care planning and provision for people with young onset dementia in England. They are looking for people who have a role in or an awareness of adult social care planning, provision, management or commissioning to complete a quick online survey (will take no more than 10 minutes). The information from the survey will be used to create recommendations and resources for improving social care provision for people living with young-onset dementia.
The DYNAMIC study is funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Research for Social Care (RfSC)
Programme through grant NIHR204266. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the
Department of Health and Social Care.
Related links
Study Page
This is a link to the main study webpage hosted by Bradford.
Further information about taking part in an interview
If you have a role in or an awareness of adult social care planning, provision, management or commissioning, please complete our quick online survey.
View our Blog about our young onset dementia work.
Joint Leads
Professor Jan Oyebode and Dr Catherine Quinn (University of Bradford)
From April 2023 until October 2025
Related links
Study Page
This is a link to the main study webpage hosted by Bradford.
Further information about taking part in an interview
If you have a role in or an awareness of adult social care planning, provision, management or commissioning, please complete our quick online survey.
View our Blog about our young onset dementia work.