Child Welfare Research Group
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Themes and projects
The Child Welfare Research Group conducts research and provides consultancy on a wide range of child welfare topics. These include:
- Child protection
- Children who are looked after (in out of home care)
- Children and young people on the edge of care
- Foster care and residential care for children and young people
- Reunification of children in care
- Transitions from care (young people leaving care at age 16 or over)
- Abuse in care
- Adoption
- Special guardianship
- Unaccompanied asylum-seeking children
Our work is funded by research councils in the UK (the ESRC) and Europe (Norface), central government, local authorities and charities. Current and recent projects include:
External consultancy
PhD Studies
- Decision-making and intervention in child protection cases involving parental substance misuse - Helen Baldwin
- The social networks of unaccompanied young people leaving care: a life course perspective - Kelly Devenney (completed 2016)