Applied health and social care has been a key focal point of our research since our foundation in the 1960s.

We undertake research and evaluation projects in a wide variety of applied health and social care areas employing a broad range of methods. Our work both explores the challenges or issues faced by health and social care organisations or professionals and captures the views and experiences of individuals experiencing illness, impairment, frailty, old age or acting as carers.

We both generate research agendas and respond to calls generated by funders. Two large funded programmes have underpinned our work: the NIHR School for Social Care Research, and The Martin House Research Centre, an innovative partnership with Martin House Children's Hospice. 

Our research is also funded by central government, the National Institute for Health Research, Economic and Social Research Council, charitable trusts and foundations. 

Theme lead

Contact us

Professor Bryony Beresford
+044 (0)1904 321960

Research degrees

Push the boundaries of knowledge in our supportive and stimulating environment.

Contact us

Professor Bryony Beresford
+044 (0)1904 321960