Dementia, cognition and care

Welcome to the White Rose Dementia Collaboration web pages.

SPRU research team

Related links

Publications and presentations from the project are available from the York Research Database

Contact Gillian Parker

This research sits within our Illness and impairment research theme. Read about our research themes.

External collaborators

  • Professor Gail Mountain, Sheffield University
  • Professor David Bunce, University of Leeds


White Rose is a three university consortium that fosters joint working across the universities of Leeds, York and Sheffield.

White Rose is supporting a collaboration in 'dementia, cognition and care' through  2014 and into 2015.  Using this support, we created a virtual centre for dementia care research, which involved researchers from the three universities, in partnership with dementia practitioners and people living with the condition.

This activity built upon the two studentship networks funded by White Rose from 2011 to 2014.

Our aims

  • To bring together skills, knowledge and experience in dementia - we wanted to hear from people living with the condition, those working in dementia services and from established and new researchers.
  • Use this wealth of knowledge to identify topics for the care research that is needed for the future- this process included all those with an interest and who have views to share.
  • Disseminate knowledge about best practice in dementia research - this was particularly important when people living with the condition are directly involved in research.
  • Stimulate interest in dementia research and support researchers new to this area to develop necessary skills.

Planned activities

We held a series of workshops across the year. The first event in April 2014 in Leeds was a 'get to know you' and planning meeting for researchers from the three universities. After this initial meeting, we engaged with the entire community across the region. The next three workshops were open to all comers and included a range of speakers to stimulate discussion.

Poster presentation 'Developing a user-led research agenda' at the 9th UK Dementia Congress. Brighton, 10-12th November 2014.

Ideas Generator

18th July 2014 - Workshop in York

What are the questions that people with dementia and those supporting them have for research? We want to hear ideas and views so that our research can make a difference.

This event brought together those living with the condition, practitioners from health and social care and researchers.

Ethical dilemmas in dementia research

3rd October 2014 - Workshop in York

Following on from our first very successful White Rose workshop in York in July we were excited about our second event which was about using innovative ways of engaging people with dementia in research while also maintaining ethical practice.

In the morning we invited researchers to discuss their how they are involving people with dementia in their research. Then in the afternoon, prompted by presentations from experts, we considered the hot topic of how to promote ethical practice in dementia research. This included ways that allow people living with the condition to participate in research in meaningful ways.

The event was of particular value to those new to dementia care research as well as for practitioners and those living with dementia who wanted to inform and influence research activity.

Dementia, cognition and care - Workshop agenda (PDF  , 434kb)

Dementia research - Where to next?    

Wednesday 7th January 2015 - 10.00 - 4.00pm

Mappin Hall, University of Sheffield              

This final workshop involved sharing and discussing what we have learnt so far, assisted by expert communicators. We aimed to identify actions and ways forward.

This event was open to all. We warmly invited people living with dementia, researchers and dementia practitioners to join us.

Dementia, cognition and care - Workshop flyer (PDF  , 211kb)

Related research from the group

Associated research activities

  • Life story work in dementia care: developing a theory of change - Parker, G., and Gridley, K., Health Services Research Network Symposium, 2014, Nottingham, 19-20 June 2014

Additional information

Related links

Publications and presentations from the project are available from the York Research Database

Contact Gillian Parker

This research sits within our Illness and impairment research theme. Read about our research themes.