Public and professional engagement
SPRU is committed to ensuring our projects engage appropriately and meaningfully with our stakeholders. This includes members of the public, groups of people who may be affected by a particular policy or condition, and with professionals who work in health and social care services. This is vital if our work is to have an impact.
Many of our projects include seeking people's perspectives on the policies and services that affect their lives as research participants but every project is also informed by and includes a lay perspective. Public and professional views are important in all stages of our work from identifying important research priorities, to advising on the way the research is conducted and disseminated. We make sure our reports and other outputs are clear and accessible to non-specialist readers.
We continually review our approaches to engagement and are always looking for ways to improve our representation from the public and professionals.
Public engagement
Since its inception SPRU has had an established reputation for engaging with the public, a principle which is at the heart of research at SPRU.
We actively engage with groups of interested people about what research we do, how we should approach new topics and what is happening in their lives that requires investigation. Within these consultation groups we build long-term relationships with communities of service users.
We currently have the following standing groups
If you are interested in becoming part one of our local consultation groups please contact us to discuss this further.
Professional engagement
Professionals who may want to use our research are also an important group of people for SPRU. The people who deliver services also have a perspective on policies and the way services are delivered and many of our outputs are produced with this group in mind. This is best achieved by working with professionals to ensure they are presented in a way that is useful and accessible. SPRU achieves this in a number of ways.
Our projects often include people from practice as applicants on grants or as advisors. Their views help us plan and implement projects in ways that are of most relevance and use to them.
SPRU also works with a group of Local Authority practitioners who lead on carer’s issues. The group meets twice a year in an informal setting to discuss important issues for practice, share research findings and support practice to conduct their own evaluations.
We are currently looking to expand our engagement with health and social care professionals.
If you would like to know more about getting involved in our work please contact us to discuss this further.
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Contact us

Social Policy Research Unit
+44 (0)1904 321231
Church Lane Building,
University of York,
YO10 5ZF,
United Kingdom.
Contact us

Social Policy Research Unit
+44 (0)1904 321231
Church Lane Building,
University of York,
YO10 5ZF,
United Kingdom.