Contact us
Social Policy Research Unit
Church Lane Building
University of York
YO10 5ZF
United Kingdom
Tel. +44 (0)1904 321231
Email sbs-research
Visiting us
Follow these instructions on how to find the University. Once on campus, use one of the maps below to find the SPRU offices. Please note that we have now moved from B Block Alcuin to the Church Lane Building on the York Science Park.
If travelling by car, the nearest car park is 'Campus North'. SPRU is a short walk from here: the route is signposted and is fully wheelchair accessible. However, if arriving after 9.00am parking can be difficult in this car park. The 'Campus South' car park, whilst further away, is less used and it is usually easier to locate a parking space. It is an approximately 10-15 minute walk to SPRU. Both car parks are pay and display.
If you are travelling by taxi, you should ask to be dropped off at the Church Lane Building on the York Science Park.
We are based in the Church Lane Building.
Please contact the administrative team prior to any visit for directions.
Contact us

Social Policy Research Unit
+44 (0)1904 321231
Church Lane Building,
University of York,
YO10 5ZF,
United Kingdom.
Related links
Join our mailing list to keep up to date with SPRU's work.
Visit our YouTube page SPRU videos to view our free information videos.
Contact us

Social Policy Research Unit
+44 (0)1904 321231
Church Lane Building,
University of York,
YO10 5ZF,
United Kingdom.
Related links
Join our mailing list to keep up to date with SPRU's work.
Visit our YouTube page SPRU videos to view our free information videos.