Foreign Market Entry Strategies of MNEs in East and South East Asian countries (CEGBI Guest Lecture)

  • Date and time: Monday 14 October 2019, 4.30pm to 5.30pm
  • Location: PZA/103

Event details


MNEs have been strategically considering and selecting 1) to what extent roles or functions of MNE’s value chain can be shifted, 2) to which host countries, and 3) by which entry modes. Recently, host ASEAN countries have become very important destinations for foreign expansion by MNEs. Having roles or functions of high value-added activities such as R&D in some ASEAN countries are attractive for MNEs as well as having traditional roles such as manufacturing and assembling. In addition, entry mode of MNEs have also been shifted from non-equity to equity mode and recently to mix of non-equity and equity mode. In this lecture, I am going to focus on East and South East Asian countries (particular attention to ASEAN countries) and investigate pull factors of host countries and strategic actions by MNEs.


Chie Iguchi is Professor of International Business at the Faculty of Business and Commerce at Keio University in Tokyo, Japan. She received her PhD in International Business from the University of Reading. She has published widely in the domain of International Business and Global Innovation Management in the South East Asian contexts.

Professor Chie Iguchi, Keio University, Tokyo