Our books and articles.
Sustainable Champions
How International Companies are Changing the Face of Business in China
In the face of strong competitive pressure and a dynamic market, multinational companies in China are forced to innovate with extraordinary pace and inventiveness. Environmental sustainability is a vital benchmark, and is a key driver for the best companies in each sector – many of them allied with the WWF Climate Savers programme.
This collection of case studies of multinational companies in China reveals positive stories about management practices which have had an impact on supply chains, communities and beyond.
Please contact us for a free copy of the introduction.
Gong, Y., Jia, F., Brown, S. “Supply Chain Learning of Sustainability in Multi-tier Supply Chains: A resource orchestration perspective”. Accepted by International Journal of Operations and Production Management.
Zhong, Z. Zhang, C. Jia, F.* and Bijman, J. “Vertical Coordination and Cooperative Member Benefits: Case Studies of Four Dairy Farmers’ Cooperatives in China”. Accepted by Journal of Cleaner Production
Wang, X., Zhu, Y., Sun, H. and Jia, F.* (2018). “Production decisions of new and differentiated remanufactured products”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 171, 1225-1243
Luo, J., Jia, F*. and Guo, H. (2017). “Technology innovation in farmer’s cooperatives in China: implications for agri-food innovation policies.” Food Policy, 73, 19-33
Gong, Y., Jia, F*. and Brown, S (2017). “Modernisation of dairy farms: the case of Nestlé’s Dairy Farming Institute in China”, Emerging Markets Case Studies.
Gong, Y., Jia, F*. and Brown, S. (2017). “Tetra Pak: Creating a Recycling Chain in China”, Ivey Case Publisher.
John, A., Shahzadi, G., Qadeer, F. and Jia, F. 2017. Corporate social responsibility and employee’s desire: A social influence perspective. Service industries Journal (accepted)
Zeng, Y., Jia, F*., Wan, L. and Guo, H. (2017). “E-commerce in Agri-food Sector: A Systematic Literature Review”, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review (IFAMR), 20, 4, pp. 439–460
Ji, C., Jia, F*. and Trienekens, J. (2017). “Managing the Pork Supply Chain: the case of Jinzhong Food Co. Ltd.”, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review (IFAMR), 20, 3, 415-426
Jia, F.*, Orzes, G., Sartor, M. and Nassimbeni, G. (2017). Global sourcing strategy and structure: Toward an integrated conceptual framework. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 37, 7, 840-864
Orzes G., Jia F., Sartor M., Nassimbeni G., (2017). “Performance implications of SA8000 certification”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 37, 11