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Interdisciplinary research vision

The School for Business and Society's (SBS) interdisciplinary research vision takes a challenge-oriented approach.

According to this conceptual framework, challenge-driven interdisciplinary clusters – designed around complex social and environmental issues – support impact-driven and academically excellent interdisciplinary research across SBS.

Building on disciplinary strengths

Our challenge-driven research clusters are intended to provide a supportive and flexible network to enable the pursuit of interdisciplinary thought, scholarship, methodological innovation and interdisciplinary research project funding. The clusters are one element of the School’s wider research strategy, designed to enhance our interdisciplinary potential within the framework of supporting our hugely rich and diverse disciplinary excellence across social science, the humanities and physical science. 

The clusters are fluid, dynamic and agile, designed to work together in building new dimensions of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity across the School. In working together, the clusters will support multilateral engagement with complex, intersecting and polycentric challenges, including the twin green and digital transitions. 

Our interdisciplinary research clusters