Research in the School for Business and Society
The City of York has a long tradition as a leading voice for responsible business and social reform.
Our School continues this historical legacy, ensuring York remains recognised internationally as a beacon for social progress. We place a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary research to address the most important challenges in policy, business and society.
Our expertise includes business and environmental sustainability, food security, inclusive growth, labour market inequalities, social care, mental health, and public accountability. Our work is grounded on academic theory and rigour and in relevance for policy and practice. We work together across the University and with partners and stakeholders locally, nationally and internationally to achieve economic and social change and advance social justice
We are home to the ESRC Vulnerability and Policing Futures Research Centre, a five-year £10m programme of cutting edge research. We are also home to Fix Our Food, a £6m UKRI funded initiative to transform food systems across the UK towards being ‘regenerative'. We are the lead partner of the NIHR School for Social Care Research, a five-year, £31m investment in social care research in England. Additionally, the School is an institutional partner of Responsible Research in Business and Management to advance and promote responsible research in business and management for a better world.
We have extensive experience of working with businesses and international links with governmental bodies, public and third sector organisations. Co-production and public engagement underpin our research ethos, including the expert knowledge of those with lived experience.