I have previously worked as a researcher at the Centre for Research in Social Policy, Loughborough University and lectured at Leeds Metropolitan (now Beckett) University (1994 to 2001), and the University of Sheffield (2002 to 2014). I have also been a visiting lecturer at the University of Malta. I have published on the subjects of social policy pedagogy; gender and employment; small island states, the effects of economic crisis on welfare states and the impact of austerity.
I co-founded the International and Comparative Social Policy Group (ICSP) of the UK Social Policy Association with Nicola Yeates (Open University) which we convened 2004 to 2011, and was a member of the Executive Committee of the Social Policy Association (2014 to 2019). I am founding co-editor, with Kevin Farnsworth, of the Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy and have previously co-edited the annual publication of the Social Policy Association, Social Policy Review. I am Director of Teaching and Chair the Department Teaching Committee.
Areas of expertise
- International, Global and comparative analyses of social policy
- Social policy in small states and small island states
- Economic crisis, austerity and social policy
- Gender, work and social policy
- Non-standard employment and social policy
My early research explored the relationship between social policy and the gendered dimensions of non-standard work, including comparative study of women’s self-employment and male part-time employment. My current interests are located around the question of size within welfare state analysis and the ways in which approaches from political economy, sociology and anthropology can inform a better understanding of differences in social policy development in small and large states. I have a particular interest in Iceland and in the social policy of small island states more generally.
With Kevin Farnsworth, I am also engaged in research which problematises social policy responses to the global economic and political crises experienced since 2007 including impact of austerity on welfare state change.
Selected publications include
Irving, Z. (2021) ‘The Legacy of Austerity’, Social Policy and Society, 20 (1), 97-110
Farnsworth, K. and Irving, Z. (2021) ‘What is austerity?’, in B. Greve (ed), Handbook on Austerity, Populism and the Welfare State, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, pp24-37
Hill, M. and Irving, Z. (2020) Exploring the world of social policy: An international approach, Bristol: Policy Press
Irving, Z. (2020) 'Gender, work and employment' in V. Robinson and D. Richardson (eds) Introducing Gender and Women’s Studies, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 5th Edition
Farnsworth, K. and Irving, Z. (2018) ‘Deciphering the International Monetary Fund’s (IMFs) position on austerity: Incapacity, incoherence and instrumentality’, Global Social Policy, 18 (2) 119-142
Farnsworth, K. and Irving, Z. (2018) ‘Austerity: Neoliberal dreams come true?’, Critical Social Policy, 38 (3) 453-460
Farnsworth, K. and Irving, Z. (2016) 'The Limits of Neoliberalism? Austerity V Social Policy in Comparative Perspective' in B. Jones, M. O’Donnell and T. Papadopoulos (eds), Alternatives to Neoliberalism, Progressive Politics and Policies, Bristol: Policy Press
Farnsworth, K. and Irving, Z. (2015) 'A new era for social policy: Welfare States and the Financial Crisis', in S. McBride, G. Boychuk, and R. Mahon (eds) Global Financial Crisis and Welfare States, Vancouver: UBC Press
Farnsworth K. and Irving, Z. (eds) (2015) Social Policy in Times of Austerity: Global Economic Crisis and the New Politics of Welfare, Bristol: Policy Press
Farnsworth, K. and Irving, Z. (eds) (2011)Social Policy in Challenging Times: Economic Crisis and Welfare Systems, Bristol: Policy Press