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Professor Zoë Irving

MA (Hons) Social Policy; PhD Social Policy

  • Professor of Comparative and Global Social Policy

Visit Professor Zoe Irving's profile on the York Research Database to see a full list of publications and browse her research related activities.

I have previously worked as a researcher at the Centre for Research in Social Policy, Loughborough University and lectured at Leeds Metropolitan (now Beckett) University (1994 to 2001), and the University of Sheffield (2002 to 2014). I have also been a visiting lecturer at the University of Malta. I have published on the subjects of social policy pedagogy; gender and employment; small island states, the effects of economic crisis on welfare states and the impact of austerity.

I co-founded the International and Comparative Social Policy Group (ICSP) of the UK Social Policy Association with Nicola Yeates (Open University) which we convened 2004 to 2011, and was a member of the Executive Committee of the Social Policy Association (2014 to 2019). I am founding co-editor, with Kevin Farnsworth, of the Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy and have previously co-edited the annual publication of the Social Policy Association, Social Policy Review. I am Director of Teaching and Chair the Department Teaching Committee.

Areas of expertise

  • International, Global and comparative analyses of social policy
  • Social policy in small states and small island states
  • Economic crisis, austerity and social policy
  • Gender, work and social policy
  • Non-standard employment and social policy

Zoe Irving

Contact details

Professor Zoë Irving
School for Business and Society

Tel: 01904 321247

 Hill, M. and Irving, Z. (2020) Exploring the world of social policy: An international approach, Bristol: Policy Press


Kevin Farnsworth and Zoë Irving (Editors), Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy


Social Policy in times of austerity, policy press, September 2015, Zoe Irving Kevin Farnsworth

Farnsworth, K & Irving, Z. (eds.) (2015) Social Policy in Times of Austerity, Policy Press


social policy review 27 edited by zoe irving and john Hudson Menno Fenger. 30 June 2015

Irving, Z., Fenger, M. & Hudson, J. (eds.) (2015) Social Policy Review 27, Policy Press