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Dr. Yangchun (Chris) Xiong
Lecturer in Operations Management


Yangchun (Chris) Xiong is a lecturer in Operations Management (OM) at the School for Business and Society, University of York. He joined the University of York in 2023 after obtaining his PhD in Management Studies from the University of Liverpool, UK. His research focuses on two areas: (1) the adoption of disruptive technologies (e.g., AI, blockchains, big data analytics, VR) in operations management, and (2) sustainability in supply chain management. Yangchun Xiong has a keen interest in using econometric methods, such as event studies and the difference-in-difference model. Some of his research papers related to these topics have been published or are forthcoming in several top OM journals.

School for Business and Society
University of York
Church Lane Building
York Science Park
York YO10 5ZF

T: +44 (0)1904 32 2110