Yangchun (Chris) Xiong is a lecturer in Operations Management (OM) at the School for Business and Society, University of York. He joined the University of York in 2023 after obtaining his PhD in Management Studies from the University of Liverpool, UK. His research focuses on two areas: (1) the adoption of disruptive technologies (e.g., AI, blockchains, big data analytics, VR) in operations management, and (2) sustainability in supply chain management. Yangchun Xiong has a keen interest in using econometric methods, such as event studies and the difference-in-difference model. Some of his research papers related to these topics have been published or are forthcoming in several top OM journals.
Yangchun’s current research themes focus on two key areas:
- Disruptive Technologies Adoption
- Sustainability In Supply Chain Management
His first research theme primarily investigates how disruptive technology-supported operations practices (e.g., blockchain, big data analytics, and VR) affect firms’ performances and explores marginal conditions related to these practices. One of his research projects exploring the mitigating role of blockchain-supported supply chains in a COVID-19 context was published in the International Journal of Operations & Production Management (ABS 4). This research represents one of the earliest empirical studies focused on how firms can deploy disruptive technology to survive in the dynamic COVID-19 context and highlights how both managers and future researchers should consider the importance of emerging technologies adoption in emergency situations.
His second research theme focuses on investigating the outcomes of environmental and social responsibility violation events in the OM scope. One of his studies, published in Transportation Research Part E (ABS 3), examined the financial impacts of focal firms’ environmental violations on their supply chain partners and further explored whether associated financial losses are contingent on environmental transparency and supply chain diversity.
He welcomes PhD applications or collaborative PhD supervision in these two research areas or in relevant research methodologies.
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