I joined the School for Business and Society in 2013, having previously held academic posts at York St John University, Durham University, and the University of Liverpool.
Since 2013 I have been Head of the International Business, Strategy, and Management Group. I have taught modules in international business and strategic management for both the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, as well as research methods modules to research postgraduates.
I am a business/management historian by training, and I undertake research across disciplinary boundaries. My research interests include international development, international management and organizational strategy, financialisation and the social studies of finance, imperialism, organisational modelling and complexity, business/management history, international business theory, and research methods. All of my work is informed by heterodox problematization and methodological pragmatism. I'm currently working on the following empirical research projects:
- British international mining firms, 1900-1980
- Interlocking directorates in banking and mining, 1890-present
- The management history of health and safety
My current research has been funded by grants from the Wellcome Trust, the Economic History Society, and the British Academy of Management. My PhD was funded by a personal award from the ESRC.
I am the Chair of the Management History Research Group (UK), a trustee of the Economic and Business History Society (USA), a member of the Association of Business Historians (UK), and the Economic History Society (UK) and I am also a member of the Management and Organization History Research Cluster at TYMS.
Supermarket retail empirical project
Research group(s)
Available PhD research projects
Selected publications
[2014] ‘Complexity in history: modelling the emergence of the British banking sector’ (with Phil Garnett, Durham University and R. Alex Bentley, Bristol University). Business History [forthcoming].
(2012d) ‘Introduction’ (with Stephen Gibson), in Stephen Gibson and Simon Mollan (eds.) Representations of Peace and Conflict (Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke).
(2012c) Stephen Gibson and Simon Mollan (eds.) Representations of Peace and Conflict (Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke).
(2012b) ‘An overview of the business history of the international mining industry’ in Nigel Finch (ed.), Contemporary Issues in Mining (Palgrave MacMillan, Sydney).
(2012a), ‘International Banking and Asia: some evidence from correspondent banking links’, in R.C. Michie and S. Nishimura (eds.), International Banking in Asia in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Oxford University Press, Oxford).
(2012) ‘The City of London as an International Commercial and Financial Center since 1900’, Enterprise and Society 13, 3, 538-537. (with Ranald Michie).
(2011) ‘British and American banking in historical perspective: beware of false precedents’, History and Policy, Dec. 2011 (with Ranald Michie).
(2010) ‘S. Hoffnung and Co., 1851-1980: the case of a market intermediary in Australia’, Consumption, Markets and Culture 13, 7-28.
(2009) ‘Business failure, capital investment and information: mining companies in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1900-1913’, Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 37, 229-248.
(2008) ‘Business, State and Economy: Cotton and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1919-1939’ African Economic History 36, 95-124.
(2004) ‘International Banking Database, 1912 and 1938’, ESRC Economic and Social Data Service.
(2002) ‘Recruitment to the Sudan Medical Service, 1900-1938: some speculations based on the use of Social Network Analysis’, Sudan Studies 29, 35-54.