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Dr Robin Burrow
Senior Lecturer in Organization Studies


Prior to joining University of York, Robin worked at Cardiff University. He completed his PhD at the University of Warwick, where he also gained an MSc in Organization Studies. His thesis examined the practiced realities of (medical) work, and was partly completed during a visiting scholarship at the Department of Sociology at the University of California (Los Angeles).

Robin has taught organization studies extensively on a range of different academic programmes. He has also researched and published widely on the lived realities of extreme forms of work, developing specific expertise in relation to the connection between emotions and organizational behaviour. Robin’s work has been covered extensively in the print media, on radio and television.Notable examples of Robin’s research include:

(1) Analysis of the role of fear in sustaining extreme institutional regimes 

(2) How identities are constructed through suffering 

(3) How socio-spatial relations can facilitate the proliferation and entrenchment of nonreality-based beliefs in organizations (e.g. the belief in being ‘free from’ moral and legal constraint) 

Outside of the University, Robin holds/has held visiting research positions at the University of Technology (Sydney) and Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand). He has held visiting teaching positions at University of Birmingham and Audencia School of Management (France). He also consults widely for a range of large, high-profile public, private and charitable organizations in the UK and abroad.

School for Business and Society
University of York
Church Lane Building
York Science Park
YO10 5ZF

Room: CL/A/015

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