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Rebecca Malby
Honorary Visiting Professor



Becky lives in Ilkley and is a Honorary Visiting Professor at the University of York, as well as previously being a Professor in Healthcare Leadership at the University of York. She is also a Visiting Professor in Health Systems Innovation at the Universities of Huddersfield and London South Bank. She leads the national Universal Healthcare Network working on how the NHS can make sure services are fair for all; and is a national leader of Primary Care. She is an Independent Non-Executive Member for Future Generations at NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board. She is known to be an energetic and enthusiastic leader of change and a forward thinker. She has made sustained and demonstrable impact through her work on the quality of health services with global reach.

Becky is also an advisor to the Bromley by Bow Centre in London, and the external examiner at the Imperial Digital Academy, and a nominator for the Ashoka network.

Her book on networks has international reach Malby B, Anderson Wallace M. (2016) Networks in Healthcare. Managing Complex Relationships. Emerald. She is a reviewer for BMJ leader, Becky blogs on Primary care, coproduction, systems leadership, and innovation and on Primary Care Networks.

Becky also leads a campaign to clean up the sewage pollution in rivers, supporting a national network of local groups she was named on the ENDS report Power List 2023 of100 UK environmental professionals who have made the greatest impact in the past two years; Becky also leads the Ilkley Great Get Together providing food to over 180 families struggling with the cost of living in Ilkley.



Research Impact

Malby R. REF Impact Case (2021). Leading Healthcare Networks. New approaches to effective collaboration through networks lead to improvements in healthcare performance and quality. Assessed as 4*.

COST Action, ‘Management and Medicine in European health systems: implications for control, innovation and user voice’. Kirkpatrick I, Malby B, Hamer S, Dent M. (2011)

Recent Knowledge Exchange programmes

2023 Universal Healthcare (West Yorkshire and Sussex ICSs)
2023 Leading Primary Care NHS CONFED
2022 Public Participation in Covid Recovery (Guys and St Thomas Charity)
2022 Delivering Universal Healthcare with communities (West Yorkshire and Sussex ICSs)
2020 Leading Large Scale Engagement (NHS England)


Other teaching

Continuing Professional Development and Leadership Development Programmes:
Leading Primary Care Networks - a 9 month part-time programme for PCN leaders
Leading Integrated Neighbourhoods and Teams - provided over a 6 months at York or bespoke in situ for


Selected publications

Kordowicz, M., Malby, B., and Mervyn, K (2021) Primary care networks: navigating new organisational forms. BJGP Open 1st December

Mervyn, K., Amoo, N., Malby B. (2019) Challenges and Insights in Inter-Organizational Collaborative Healthcare Networks: An Empirical Case Study of a Place-Based Network. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. 2nd September. Vol 27. Issue 4. pp. 875-902. DOI: 10.1108/IJOA-05-2018-1415

Malby, B., Mervyn, K., Boyle, T. (2018) Darzi Clinical Leadership Fellows: an activity theory perspective. Journal of Health Organization and Management. 17th September. Vol. 32 Issue: 6, pp.793-808

Hardy S, Malby B, Chamney C, Farooq A, Young G, Hallett N, White X, Turner W. (2017). Introducing A People’s Academy into Higher Education: A coproduction approach to sustained wellbeing. Higher Education Skills and Workbased Learning Vol 8 (1).

Malby R, Anderson-Wallace M. (2016). Networks in Healthcare: leading complex organisations. Emerald Group Publishing.

School for Business and Society
University of York
Church Lane Building
York Science Park
York YO10 5ZF

M: 07974777309
T: @BeckyMalby @CleanIlkley @Ilkley_BM