Professor Katharina Bader is Chair in International HR Management. Before joining the University of York, she held permanent and visiting positions in Canada, Germany, India, Japan and the UK. Her research focusses on global mobility and equality, diversity and inclusion in organisations. Her studies have been published in leading academic journals such as Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Work Employment and Society and The International Journal of Human Resource Management and she has received several international awards for her research. She is an Associate Editor at Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – An international Journal and Asian Business and Management. Moreover, she serves on the Editorial Board of The International Journal of Human Resource Management. Having worked as a leadership development manager in a multinational company, she also brings industry experience and has conducted various collaborative and co- productive research projects with industry partners and non-profit organisations.
Workplace justice and business ethics Joint Interdisciplinary Cluster Lead
Head of Group HRM
Katharina’s research focusses on global mobility and equality, diversity and inclusion in organisations. Her special interest lies in international and comparative studies. She is an expert in both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Based on complex primary data collections, such as multiple wave, multiple respondents designs, diary studies or longitudinal data collections, her studies have been published in leading academic journals such as Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Work Employment and Society and The International Journal of Human Resource Management. She has received several international awards for her research such as the “Outstanding Paper Award” in the Emerald Literati Awards for Excellence or the “WAIB Best Paper Award for Increased Gender Awareness in International Business Research”.
Egdell, V., Hussein, R., Harrison, D., Bader, A. K., & Wilson, R. (2023). ‘I Find it Daunting . . . That I’m Gonna Have to Deal with This until 60’: Extended Working Lives and the Sustainable Employability of Operational Firefighters. Work, Employment and Society, 37, 721–739.
Bader, A. K., Froese, F. J., Cooke, F. L. & Schuster, T. (2022). Gender Diversity Management in Foreign Subsidiaries: A Comparative Study in Germany and Japan. Journal of International Management, 28, 100921.
Schuster, T., Bader, A. K., Bader, B., Bader, B., & Rousseau, D. M. (2022). Does what happens abroad stay abroad? Displaced aggression and emotional regulation in expatriate psychological contracts. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 95, 867– 888.
Schuster, T., Bader, B., Bader, A.K. & Rousseau, D.M. (2022). When Foreign Waves Hit Home Shores: Organizational Identification in Psychological Contract Breach-Violation Relationships During International Assignments. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 43. 369-385.
Bader, A. K., Bader, B., Froese, F.J. & Sekiguchi, T. (2021). One way or another? An international comparison of expatriate performance management in multinational companies. Human Resource Management. 60, 737-752.
Breitenmoser, A. & Bader, A. K. (2021). Retaining repatriates. The role of career derailment upon repatriation and how it can be mitigated. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32, 1509-1536.
Peltokorpi, V., Bader, A .K. & Froese, F. J. (2019). Foreign and domestic company attractiveness to host national employees in Japan: A person–organization fit and image theory perspective. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 27, 392-405.
Bader, A. K., Kemper, L., & Froese, F. J., (2019). Who promotes a value-in-diversity perspective: A fuzzy set analysis of executives’ individual and organizational characteristics. Human Resource Management, 58, 203-217.
Bader, A. K., Reade, C. & Froese, F. J. (2019). Terrorism and expatriate withdrawal cognitions: Differential role of perceived work and non-work constraints. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30, 1769-1793.
Kemper, L., Bader, A. K. & Froese, F. J. (2019). Promoting gender diversity in a challenging environment: The case of Scandinavian subsidiaries in Japan. Personnel Review, 48, 56-75.
Bader, B., Schuster, T., Bader, A. K. & Shaffer, M. (2019). The dark side of expatriation: dysfunctional relationships, expatriate crises, prejudice and a VUCA world. Journal of Global Mobility, 7, 126-136.
Bader, B., Stoermer, S., Bader, A. K. & Schuster, T. (2018). Institutional discrimination of women and workplace harassment of female expatriates. Journal of Global Mobility, 6, 40-58.
Bader, A. K., Froese, F. J. & Kraeh, A. (2018). Clash of cultures? German expatriates’ work-life boundary adjustment in South Korea. European Management Review, 15, 357-374.
Schmitz, M., Froese, F. J. & Bader, A. K. (2018). Organizational cynicism in multinational corporations in China. Asia Pacific Business Review, 24, 620-637.
Bader, A. K., Froese, F. J, Achteresch, A. & Behrens, S. (2017). Expatriates’ influence on the organizational commitment of host country nationals in China. The moderating role of individual values and status characteristics. European Journal of International Management, 11, 181-200.
Stoermer, S., Bader, A. K. & Froese, F. J. (2016). Culture matters: The influence of cultural values on climate for inclusion. Cross-Cultural and Strategic Management, 23, 287-305.
Kemper, L., Bader, A. K. & Froese, F. J. (2016). Diversity management in aging societies: A comparative study in Germany and Japan. Management Revue, 27, 29-49.
Bader, A. K. (2016). Paradox and Power. A structurationist perspective on managers’ hesitation toward people management. German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management, 30, 108-124.
Hildisch, A. K. & Froese, F. J., Pak, Y. S. (2015). Employee responses to a cross-border acquisition: The role of social support from different hierarchical levels. Asian Business and Management, 14, 327- 347.
Bader, B., Bader, A. K., Rousseau, D. M., & Schuster, T. (2022): Expatriation in High-Risk Countries: A Review and Dynamic Psychological Contract Perspective. In: Toh, S. M. &; DeNisi, A. (Eds.) Expatriates and Managing Global Mobility. SIOP Organizational Frontier Series: 306-328.
Bader, A. K. &; Blenkinsopp, J. (2020). Can we release the brake on mothers’ careers? A UK perspective. In: Premarajan, R. K. &; Forrier, A. and Arthur, M. (Eds.): Career Dynamics in a Global World. Edward Elgar Publishing: 136–147.
Bader, B., Schuster, T. &; Bader, A. K. (Eds.) (2017): Expatriate Management - Transatlantic Dialogues. Palgrave MacMillan.
Bader, A.K. (2017). The effect of host country nationals´ support on expatriates´ adjustment - A multiple stakeholder approach. In: Bader, B., Schuster, T. &; Bader, A. K. (Eds.). Expatriate Management - Transatlantic Dialogues. Palgrave MacMillan: 137-163.
Froese, F. J., Hildisch, A. K. &; Kemper, L.E. (2014). Leveraging diversity - How an inclusive organizational climate increases organizational success. In: Widuckel, W., de Molina, K., Ringlstetter, M. F., Frey, D. (Eds.): Arbeitskultur 2020. Springer Gabler.
Hildisch, A. K. &; Thies, S. (2012). Onboarding - A holistic approach to management development. In: Annuals of Personnel Development. Freiburg: Leuchterhand
Hildisch, A. K. (2012). The strategic integration of personnel departments: A structurationist perspective. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
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