Accessibility statement

Sarah Exall

  • PhD student


Thesis supervisors

Thesis Title

System Integration through Network Governance in NHS Place-based Partnerships. 



Sarah qualified as a medical doctor in 2010 and specialised in Public Health. Sarah has worked in a number of organisations, including local governments, NHS England, academic institutions, hospitals, and health protection teams. 

Through her experience in this wide variety of workplaces, Sarah became fascinated by the differences in culture within different organisations, and how the culture, values, and relationships between partner organisations in local systems can shape outcomes. Her research focusses on how networks of organisations and individuals work together, and what features of these networks are can create positive changes for services and people using them. Sarah is particularly keen to understand which factors might be beneficial in reducing health inequalities between different communities. 

The NHS has undergone many reforms over the last few decades, each attempting to make the system more responsive, efficient, and effective. Sarah hopes to add to the academic and policy expertise on healthcare governance, helping to improve the system for those working in, and using it.


Research Topic

An exploration of the new partnership NHS structures at local level.

Research interests

  • Healthcare
  • Systems and networks
  • Inequalities
  • Leadership
  • Partnership work








Contact details

Sarah Exall
PhD student
School for Business and Society
University of York
YO10 5DD