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Andrew Sage

BSc (Hons) Computing Science (University of Aberdeen), MA in Railway Studies (University of York)

  • PhD Student

Current thesis title

Cancelled! A Study of Abandoned Late 20th Century British Infrastructure Megaprojects

Thesis supervisors

Research topic

1970s British megaprojects cancelled before completion.

Research interests

I'm researching the impact of the cancellation of 1970s British transportation related megaprojects such as the sudden cancellation of the Channel Tunnel in 1975, the planned third London airport and the London Ring motorway system. I'm interested in the impact changing political polices had on the projects and the impact the projects had on political policies.


Andrew is a Computing Science undergraduate of University of Aberdeen (1994) and returned to studying to complete a MA in Railway Studies via University of York in 2021. Whilst researching his MA dissertation, "Was Britain’s 1973-5 energy crisis an opportunity for British Rail’s Motorail service?" Andrew encountered several archive documents that fired the interest in his current research project.

Awarded 2nd place in University of York' PhD Spotlight 2024 competition. Using a board game he created, Andrew engaged with the public about his research into the cancellation of the Third London Airport at Maplin Sands.

Andrew is carrying out this PhD as a part time distance student remotely from Aberdeen. The other half of the time is spent on his technology and environmental based startups / SMEs.

Beyond academic studies Andrew is a writer of fiction and has produced several short films and interactive art installations.

Contact details

Andrew Sage
PhD student
School for Business and Society
University of York
YO10 5DD