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Isabelle Huning

MA Social Policy (University of York), BA (Hons) Social Work (University of Applied Sciences Hannover), MEd Teacher Training Social Pedagogy and Political Science (Leuphana University Lüneburg), BA (Hons) Teacher Training Social Pedagogy and Political Science (Leuphana University Lüneburg)

PhD student 

Thesis supervisor

Dr Kevin Caraher

Thesis topic

A Comparative Perspective on the Framing of Apprenticeships in Their Cultural and Historical Context.

Thesis summary

My thesis explores the narratives and political debates on apprenticeships in Germany and the UK. It takes a longitudinal approach and aims at understanding changes in the framing and content of political decision making over the last 70 years. Whilst apprenticeships share the same early modern origins across Europe, different countries took independent routes in recent centuries, which led to a surprising variety of skill formation systems today. This provoked a long standing academic debate on the evolution of skill formation systems, and inspired a branch of research that studies the institutionalisation of vocational education and training systems as part of country-specific contexts. As such, it remains a puzzle why apprenticeships in some countries thrive while they are marginalised or even abolished in others.

My research shifts the focus from formal institutions to the narratives surrounding apprenticeships, considered to have grown over decades and centuries. I use state of the art quantitative methods that rely on a large amount of text as data to understand how narratives shifted across different institutional and cultural settings, to finally understand their impact on the institutional paths towards or away from apprenticeships. 

Isabelle Huning

Contact details

Isabelle Huning
PhD student
School for Business and Society
