Alice Park
BA (Hons) Social Work, MRes Social Policy (York)
Thesis supervisors
Thesis topic
Policing Mental Health: A realist evaluation of mental health triage.
Thesis summary
My thesis explores an intervention called 'mental health triage', which aims to address the difficulties police have when coming into contact with those experiencing mental health issues. Mental health triage involves the collaboration between mental health professionals and police when mental health related incidents occur.
The aim of the thesis is to use a broadly realist approach to explore the processes, mechanisms and context of mental health triage in a northern county, as well as the perceived outcomes of different stakeholders. The fieldwork for this project is completed and analysis is currently being undertaken.
General research interests
- Mental health theory, policy and practice
- Policing and mental health
- Mental health and spirituality
I have experience as a GTA on the following courses/modules:
- Introducing Social Policy
- Introducing Criminal Justice
- Social Work - Mental Health
- Think Ahead
- Research design
I am a registered social worker undertaking a PhD in Social Policy and Social Work on the subject of mental health and policing.
After working in both paid and voluntary social care positions during secondary education, I started my BA in Social Work. During my degree I became interested in mental health and social justice, which led me to complete an MRes in Social Policy. I was then lucky enough to get an ESRC funded studentship in SPSW looking at policing and mental health, with a specific focus on 'mental health triage'.
My time doing this PhD has allowed me to further develop my interest in mental health theory, policy and practice, and to develop as an independent researcher.
- Home Office (Centre of Excellence Unit) seminar (2019). 'Policing Mental Health: A realist evaluation of mental health triage'
- Interim findings report presentation (to a northern police force) (2019). 'Policing Mental Health: A realist evaluation of mental health triage'
- The Fifth International Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health (2019). 'Policing Mental Health: A realist evaluation of mental health triage'
- Law Enforcement and Public Health PhD Workshop (2019). 'Policing Mental Health: Care and control in the community, a study of street triage'
- The 9th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health (2019). 'Policing and mental health' (with Professor Martin Webber and Dr Nicola Moran)
- Social Work DTC Summer Conference (2017). 'Policing Mental Health: A realist evaluation of street triage'
- White Rose Doctoral Training Centre Social Work Pathway Summer Conference (2016). 'Policing Mental Health: A realist evaluation of street triage'
- WRDTC Socio-legal PGR Conference (2016). 'Policing Mental Health: A realist evaluation of street triage'
- 6th European Conference for Social Work Research (2016). 'Policing Mental Health: A realist evaluation of a mental health diversion scheme' (Poster)

Contact details
Alice Park
PhD student,
School for Business and Society
Twitter: @Alicemepark