Accessibility statement

Professor Philip Garnett
Professor of Systems and Organisation


Philip Garnett is a Professor in Systems and Organisation. His research focuses on the application of systems theory, complex systems theory, and network analysis to understand organisations and how they operate. He has extensive knowledge of systems theory, complexity theory, and cybernetics. His research is broadly focused on modelling organisational processes and structures, and interactions between organisations and their environment. Theorising organisations as an emergent property of a system of interacting parts.

Philip is also the Society and Ethics Pillar lead at the Institute for Safe Autonomy, and is interested in how algorithms, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, influence decision making within organisations. In particular, how humans and computers work together in decision making processes and the consequences that collaboration has on how organisations work. Related to this theme he is interested in research in cyber and information security practice within organisations, and how organisations manage incidents or leaks.

Currently Philip’s research projects include making interventions in complex social systems, the impact of AI in organisations and society (including industry 4.0), the evolution of the British Banking Sector, and the intersection of cyber security and AI.

Philip is the Society and Ethics Pillar lead at the Institute for Safe Autonomy, he is also a member of the board of the University of York Science and Technology Studies Unit (SATSU, He is also an external advisor on a number of funded research projects.

Personal website:

Twitter: @prgarnett

Departmental roles

Human futures in the digital transformation Joint Interdisciplinary Cluster Lead

School for Business and Society
University of York
Church Lane Building
York Science Park
York YO10 5ZF

Telephone: +44 (0) 1904 325027
Room: CL/A/005

Subject Group

Work Management and Organisation

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