Recent publications
Lewis, H., Dwyer, P., Hodkinson, S. and Waite, L. (2015) Precarious lives: forced labour, exploitation and asylum, Bristol, The Policy Press.
Dwyer, P. (2010) Understanding Social Citizenship: Issues for Policy and Practice [2nd edition], Bristol, Policy Press.
Dwyer, P. (2004) Understanding Social Citizenship: Issues for Policy and Practice, Bristol, Policy Press.
Ackers, L. and Dwyer, P. (2002) Senior citizenship? Retirement, mobility and welfare in the European Union, Bristol, Policy Press.
Dwyer, P. (2000) Welfare Rights and Responsibilities: Contesting Social Citizenship, Bristol, Policy Press.
Edited books
Dwyer, P. and Shaw, S. (2013) [eds.] An Introduction to Social Policy, London, Sage.
Refereed journal articles
Dwyer, P, Bowpitt, G., Sundin, E. and Weinstein. M. (2015) ‘Rights, responsibilities and refusals: homelessness policy and the exclusion of single homeless people with complex needs’, Critical Social Policy, 35 (1) : 3-23
Lewis, H., Dwyer, P., Hodkinson, S. and Waite, L. (2014) ‘Hyper-precarious lives: Migrants, work and forced labour in the Global North’, Progress in Human Geography, available via OnlineFirst
Dwyer, P. and Wright, S. (2014) ‘Universal credit, ubiquitous conditionality and its implications for social citizenship’, Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 22(1) :27-36.
Bowpitt, G., Dwyer, P., Sundin, E. and Weinstein, M. (2014) ‘Places of sanctuary for ‘the undeserving’? Homeless people’s day centres and the problem of conditionality’, British Journal of Social Work, 44(5) :1251-1267.
Bowpitt, G., Dwyer, P., Sundin, E. and Weinstein M. (2013) 'Places of sanctuary for 'the undeserving'? Homeless people's day centres and the problem of conditionality', British Journal of Social Work. Advanced electronic access: Available online via Oxford Journals.
Cook, J., Dwyer, P. and Waite, L. (2012) 'Accession 8 migration and the proactive and defensive engagement of social citizenship', Journal of Social Policy, 41(2): 329-347.
Dwyer, P. and Hardill, I. (2011) 'Promoting social inclusion? The impact of village services on the lives of older people living in rural England', Ageing and Society, 31(2): 234-264.
Dwyer, P. and Somerville, P. (2011) [eds] 'Themed section: exploring multiple exclusion homelessness', Social Policy and Society, 10(4): 495-593. I took the lead role in managing and delivering this themed section which includes the next two articles.
Dwyer P. and Somerville, P. (2011) 'Introduction', Social Policy and Society, 10(4): 495-500.
Bowpitt, G., Dwyer, P., Sundin, E. and Weinstein. M. (2011) 'Comparing men's and women's experiences of multiple exclusion homelessness', Social Policy and Society, 10(4) :537-546.
Hardill, I. and Dwyer, P. (2011) 'Delivering village services in the mixed economy of welfare: Perspectives from the voluntary and community sector in Rural England', Journal of Social Policy, 40(1) :157-172.
Cook, J., Dwyer, P. and Waite, L. (2011) 'Good relations among neighbours and workmates? The everyday encounters of Accession 8 migrants and established communities in Urban England', Population, Space and Place, 17(6): 727-741.
Cook, J., Dwyer, P. and Waite, L. (2011) 'The experiences of Accession 8 migrants in England: Motivations, work and agency', International Migration, 49(2): 54-79.
Dwyer, P. and Ellison, N. (2009) 'We nicked stuff from all over the place': Policy transfer or muddling through?, Policy and Politics, 37(3) :389-407.
Dwyer, P. and Brown, D. (2008) 'Accommodating 'others'? Housing dispersed, forced migrants in the UK', Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 30(3): 203-218.
Dwyer, P. and Papadimitriou, D. (2006) 'The social security rights of older international migrants in the European Union', Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 32(8): 1301-1319.
Dwyer, P. (2005) 'Governance, forced migration and welfare', Social Policy and Administration, 39(6): 622-639.
Dwyer, P. and Brown, D. (2005) 'Meeting basic needs? The survival strategies of forced migrants', Social Policy and Society, 4(4): 369-381.
Dwyer, P. (2004) 'Creeping conditionality in the UK: from welfare rights to conditional entitlements', Canadian Journal of Sociology, 29(2): 265-287.
Ackers, H. L. and Dwyer, P. (2004) 'Fixed law, fluid lives: the citizenship status of post-retirement migrants in the European Union', Ageing and Society, 24(3): 451-475.
Dwyer, P. (2002) 'Making sense of social citizenship: some user views on welfare rights and responsibilities', Critical Social Policy, 22 (2): 273-299.
Dwyer, P. (2001) 'Retired EU migrants: healthcare rights and European social citizenship', Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 23(3): 311-327.
Dwyer, P. (2000) 'Movements to some purpose? An exploration of international retirement migration in the European Union', Education and Ageing, 15(3): 353-377.
Heron, E. and Dwyer, P. (1999)'Doing the right thing:' Labour's attempt to forge a new welfare deal between the individual and the state,' Social Policy and Administration, 33(1): 91-104.
Heron, E. and Dwyer, P. (1999) 'Faire ce qu'il faut: La tentative du parti travailliste de mettre sur pied un nouveau contrat social entre l'individu et l'etat', Belgian Review of Social Security, September, 41(3): 617-632. (Translated version of above article).
Dwyer, P. (1998) 'Conditional citizens? Welfare rights and responsibilities in the late 1990's,' Critical Social Policy, 18(4): 519-543.
Chapters in edited collections
Scullion, S., Lewis, H., Dwyer, P. and Waite L. (2014) ‘Exploring the link between forced labour and immigration status in the United Kingdom’ pp.149-158 in K. K. Hoang and R. Salazar Parreñas [eds] Human Trafficking Reconsidered: Rethinking the Problem, Envisioning New Solutions, New York, IDEBATE Press.
Dwyer, P. (2013) 'Social Justice', chapter 2 in Dwyer, P. and Shaw, S. [eds] (2013) Approaching Social Policy: a Thematic Introduction, London, Sage. (In press, forthcoming March 2013).
Dwyer, P. and Shaw, S. (2013) 'Introduction', in Dwyer, P. and Shaw, S. [eds] (2013) op cit.
Lister, R. and Dwyer, P. (2012) 'Citizenship and access to welfare', chapter 30 in Alcock, P. May, M. and Wright, S. (2012) [eds] [4th edition] The Student's Companion to Social Policy, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell/SPA.
Dwyer, P. and Ellison, N. (2009) 'Work and welfare: the rights and responsibilities of unemployment in the UK' :53-66 in Giugni, M. [ed] (2009) The Politics of Unemployment in Europe: Policy Responses and Collective Action, London, Ashgate.
Dwyer, P. (2008) 'The conditional welfare state', :199-218 in Powell, M. [ed.] Modernising the Welfare State: the Blair Legacy, Bristol, Policy Press.
Dwyer, P. (2004) 'Agency, dependency, and welfare: beyond issues of claim and contribution' in H. Dean [ed] The Ethics of Welfare: Human Rights, Dependency and Responsibility, pp. 135-154, Bristol, Policy Press.
Research reports/short journal articles/other published works
Brown, P, Dwyer, P. and Scullion, S. (2013) 'The Limits of Inclusion? Exploring the views of Roma and non Roma in six European Union Member States', Final Research Report for the Roma SOURCE Project.
Dwyer, P., Bowpitt, G., Sundin, E. and Weinstein. M. (2012) 'The support priorities of multiply excluded homeless people and their compatibility with support agency agendas'.
Dwyer, P., Bowpitt, G., Sundin, E. and Weinstein. M. (2012) 'The support priorities of multiply excluded homeless people and their compatibility with support agency agendas'.
Lewis, H., Dwyer, P., Scullion, L. and Waite, L. (2012) 'From restrictions to the cap: trends in UK migration policy', Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 20(1): 87-91.
Dwyer, P., Lewis, H., Scullion, L. and Waite. L. (2011) Immigration Policy and Forced Labour: Status Matters?, York Report for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, available online [PDF].
Bowpitt, G., Dwyer, P., Sundin, E. and Weinstein. M. (2012) 'The support priorities of multiply excluded homeless people and their compatibility with support agency agendas – new research into multiple exclusion homelessness', Housing Care and Support, 14(1): 31-32.
Bowpitt, G. and Dwyer, P. (2011) 'Almost like your friends': day centres and multiple exclusion homelessness, Nottingham Trent University, HOME Study Report.
Dwyer, P. (2009) Integration? The perceptions and experiences of refugees in Yorkshire and the Humber, Leeds, Yorkshire and Humber Regional Migration Partnership.
Dwyer, P. and Hardill, I. (2008) Older people and village services: exploring the impact on community based services in rural England, London, Age Concern. Research report available online.
Hardill, I. and Dwyer, P. (2008) 'The impact of community based services for older people in rural England', Regions, 272(1): 27- 9.
Cook, J., Dwyer, P. and Waite, L. (2008) New Migrant Communities in Leeds, Leeds, Leeds City Council.
Cook, J., Dwyer, P. and Waite, L. (2008) 'The Impacts of New A8 Migration in Leeds', The Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Review, 18(2): 8-11.
Dwyer, P. (2006) 'Asylum?', Research Matters, April-October 2006, :13-18.
Dwyer, P. (2005) 'Meeting basic needs? Exploring the welfare strategies of forced migrants', Benefits, 13(2): 124-125.
Dwyer, P. (2005) 'Meeting basic needs? The welfare of dispersed forced migrants in Leeds', The Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Review, 15(1): 21- 23.
Dwyer, P. (2000) 'British Muslims, welfare citizenship and conditionality: some empirical findings', paper 2 in Islamic Values, Human Agency and Social Policies, RAPP Research Working Papers, 'Race' and Public Policy Research Unit, Department of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds.