Accessibility statement

Professor Peter Ball
Chair of Operations Management


Peter Ball is Professor of Operations Management. Peter joined the School for Business and Society in January 2016. Previously he was at Cranfield University and University of Strathclyde.

My expertise is on how operations practices underpin performance, especially at a systems level of a company or a supply chain. I research operations, manufacturing and supply chain management. I seek to understand how processes in business behave and how they can be improved. I'm increasingly fascinated by regenerative, transformative change at scale. Work includes sustainability, circular economy, eco-efficient manufacturing and productivity. Methodologically I frequently engage in deep analysis through case research. Or I'm using modelling and simulation to understand the performance resulting from different practice implementations. And therefore I have a great interest in the application of digital twins. I am regularly a judge on industry best practice awards and I'm a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. 



School for Business and Society
University of York
Church Lane Building
York Science Park
York YO10 5ZF

Telephone: +44 (0) 1904 325302
Room: CL/A/110


Subject Group

People, Operations and Marketing