Olga joined the School for Business and Society in September 2021, having previously worked as a courses coordinator with the UoY. She is an experienced module lead, lecturer, educationist and SEND specialist with the background in psycholinguistics, teacher training a passion for Education Studies and the Sociology of Education. She has been teaching since 2001 and working as a university lecturer since 2004 (both abroad and in the UK). She also worked in the Further Education sector, the private sector (cooperating with multiple organisations and providing teaching and training), and codeveloped and co-run projects within the Creative Industries.
Departmental roles
Academic & Communication Skills Lead for MSc Management
University roles
Olga is the Academic and Communication Skills Development Lead for MSc Management and is currently teaching across multiple modules as part of this PG Programme’s Team.
She also collaborates with colleagues from across the UK & EU as part of the TEd in EAP BALEAP SIG.
Olga’s current interests cover exploring interdisciplinarity in course development, educational inequalities, quality assessment within the HE sector as well as teacher education and training, and (online) course design.
Selected publications
‘Fighting the Battle - EAP Teacher Education and Development on a Pre-sessional Programme. Induction and Beyond’, Leadership and Management in EAP: Insights, Issues and Experiences, Durham University, BALEAP PIM, 5th June 2021.
‘Language and Communication in an Online EAP Context’, Language, Literacies and Learning in the Disciplines: a HE perspective BAAL/CUP joint conference, 8th & 9th July 2021; ‘Making IT work or… How a rapid response to the pandemic (COVID-19) enforced online teaching and learning and how IT has been used to turn Pre-sessional Courses to success’, Annual UoY Learning and Teaching Conference, 2nd July 2021.
Academic Literacies and EAP – to box or not to box? Towards a lateral tutor’s approach. BALEAP/ALD in HE Joint One-day Conference (PIM), Academic Literacies and EAP: Same or different? Colchester, 24 th November 24 2018.
Jews who changed America (pp. 139-151) in: Zrozumieć innego. Współczesne problemy komunikacji międzykulturowej. O. Glebova & M. Niemiec-Knaś (eds.). AJD 2010.
SEN in the light of new NC in England in: Pedagogicke aspekty diagnostiky a poradenstva v terii a praxi specialnej pedagogiky. A. Stankowski (ed.). VERBUM 2011.
Educational politics versus practice. Towards characterising the effects of educational changes introduced by New Labour 1997-2010 (pp. 421-432) in: Neofilologie na przełomie tysiącleci. Najnowsze tendencje w literaturze, językoznawstwie, przekładzie i glottodydaktyce. P. Sznurkowski, E. Pawlikowska-Asendrych, B.Rusek (eds.). ATUT 2012.
Education as New Labour's priority. An outline of education issue in England between 1997 and 2010
Olszówka, I., Rutkowska-Lis, O. Problem nauczania języka obcego w edukacji wczesnoszkolnej : obraz praktyki pedagogicznej w świetle nowej podstawy programowej (pp.145-158). In BIEŃKOWSKA, Izabela (red.). Wokół wychowania, kształcenia i zagrożeń rozwojowych dzieci i mlodzieży. Gliwice : Gliwicka Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości, 2011.
Rozważania nad analizą podejścia do systemu edukacji przez Nową Partię Pracy. Polityka oświatowa Anglii a system dydaktyczny (pp. 343 – 353) in: Podstawy edukacji. Tom 4. Kontekty dydaktyczne. B. Gofron, A. Gofron (eds.), Impuls 2011.
Equalizing educational chances and reducing social inequalities in England. An overview of educational policy of the ‘New Deal’ Labour government 1997-2010 (pp.421-433) in: Neofilologie na przełomie tysiącleci. Najnowsze tendencje w literaturze, językoznawstwie, przekładzie i glottodydaktyce. P. Sznurkowski, E. Pawlikowska- Asendrych, B. Rusek (eds). AJD 2012.
British coalition government – inequalities in education. A constant debate on the vicious circle of cultural transmission and the reproduction of educational inequalities (pp. 249-263) in: Edukacja i nierówność. Trajektorie sukcesu i marginalizacji. A. Gromkowska-Melosik, M. J. Szymański (eds), UiM Wydawnictwo Naukowe 2014.
The issue of gender in educational inequalities in post New Labour England. An outline of the problem. Journal of Gender and Power, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2015.
John Hills, Tom Sefton, Kitty Steward (red.) [2009] Towards a More Equal Society? Poverty, inequality and policy since 1997. A review in: Debata Edukacyjna Nr 3 2010.
Reflections on the Analysis of the New Labour Party's Approach to the Education System. England's Educational Policy and the Didactic System (pp. 343-352) in: Podstawy Edukacji 2011 (4). Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczego im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie.