Full publications list
Journal articles
Richmond, J.G. and Burgess, N., 2023. Prosocial voice in the hierarchy of healthcare professionals: the role of emotions after harmful patient safety incidents. Journal of Health Organization and Management. Vol. 37 No. 3, pp. 327-342
Johnson, M., Burgess, N. and Sethi, S. (2020) "Temporal pacing of outcomes for improving patient flow: design science research in a National Health Service hospital", Journal of Operations Management, 66, 1-2, 35-53 (ABS 4)
Burgess, N., Richmond, J. G. and Kiefer, T. (2020) "Psychological contracting making obligations explicit to support a transformative change partnership", Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020, 1, 10233
Burgess, N., Currie, G., Crump, B., Richmond, J. G. and Johnson, M. (2019) "Improving together : collaboration needs to start with regulators", BMJ, 367, l6392
Currie, G., Burgess, N., Tuck, P. “The (un)desirability of hybrid managers as ‘controlled’ professionals: comparative cases of tax and healthcare professionals" (2016) Journal of Professions and Organization, Volume 3, Issue 2, September 2016, Pages 142–153.
Currie, G., Burgess, N., Hayton, J. (2015) "HR practices and knowledge brokering by hybrid middle managers in hospital settings: The influence of professional hierarchy" Human Resource Management, 54: 793-812 (ABS 4)
Burgess, N., Strauss, K., Currie, G., Wood, G. "Organizational ambidexterity and the hybrid middle manager: the case of patient safety in UK hospitals" (2015) Human Resource Management, 54: s87-s109 (ABS 4)
Burgess N. and Currie, G. (2013) ‘The knowledge brokering role of the hybrid middle Level manager (MLM): The case of Healthcare’, British Journal of Management, 24: S132–S142 (ABS 4)
Robinson, S; Radnor, Z; Burgess, N; Worthington, C. (2014) ‘Facilitated Modelling with Discrete-Event Simulation: Reality or Myth?’, European Journal Of Operational Research, p.231-240 (ABS 4)
Robinson, S; Radnor, Z; Burgess, N; Worthington, C. (2012) ‘Utilising Simulation in the Implementation of Lean in Healthcare’ European Journal Of Operational Research, Volume 219, Issue 1, Pages 188–197. (ABS 4)
Burgess, N.J. and Radnor, Z. (2012) ‘Service improvement in the English NHS: Complexities and Tensions’, Journal of Management Organisation, Vol. 18 (5), Pages 594-697.
Burgess, N., Wake, N. (2013) "The applicability of the Viable Systems Model as a diagnostic for small to medium sized enterprises", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 62 Iss: 1, Pages 29 – 46.
Burgess, N.J. and Radnor, Z. (2013) ‘Evaluating Lean in healthcare: a typology’ International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Vol. 26 (3) Most downloaded paper 2015
Lowson, R. H., and Burgess, N. J., (2002), “Supply Network Strategies and Supply Chain Management for E-Business” Journal of Operations Research, 4, 3, Pages 97 – 108.
Lowson, R. H., and Burgess, N. J., (2002), “The Building Blocks of an Operations Strategy for E-Business,” Total Quality Management, 3, 4, Pages 87 – 103.
Slack., N., Brandon-Jones, A., Burgess, N. (2024) Operations and Process Management (7th Edition), Pearson.
Slack., N., Brandon-Jones, A., Burgess, N. (2023) Essentials of Operations Management (3rd Edition), Pearson.
Burgess., N. and Currie, G. (2023) Shaping High Quality, Affordable and Equitable Healthcare: Meaningful Innovation and System Transformation, Edited book, Palgrave Macmillan.
Slack., N., Brandon-Jones, A., Burgess, N. (2022) Operations Management (10 th Edition), Pearson.
Burgess, N. Six Lessons: Leading for Improvement, published by Centre for Health and Care Improvement and Innovation (CHIRON), Warwick Business School.
Book Chapters
Burgess, N., Currie, G., Hardy, A. (2023) Introduction: Shaping High Quality, Affordable and Equitable Healthcare: Meaningful Innovation and System Transformation, p.1-20, in Burgess, N. and Currie, G. (Eds) Shaping High Quality, Affordable and Equitable Healthcare: Meaningful Innovation and System Transformation, Palgrave Macmillan
Burgess, N. (2023) Partnership for Improvement: How a Leadership Compact Fostered Relational Change between Five Hospital Chief Executives and Their Regulator, p.47-66, in Burgess, N. and Currie, G. (Eds) Shaping High Quality, Affordable and Equitable Healthcare: Meaningful Innovation and System Transformation, Palgrave Macmillan
Dawson, A., Burgess, N., Latusynzska, A. (2023) The Role of Quality Improvement in Sustaining Healthcare During Crisis (p. 233-250) in Burgess, N. and Currie, G. (Eds) Shaping High Quality, Affordable and Equitable Healthcare: Meaningful Innovation and System Transformation, Palgrave Macmillan
Currie, G. & Burgess, N. (2015) Enhancing the knowledge brokering capability of hybrid middle managers in a professionalized context, in: S. W. Floyd, B. Wooldridge, Handbook of Middle Management Strategy Process Research, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2015.
Burgess, N., Radnor, Z., and Furnival, J (2015) Delivery not departments: A case study of a whole organisation approach to lean implementation across an English hospital. In: Radnor, Z., Bateman, N., Esain, A., Kumar, M., Williams, S.J., Upton, D.M., editor(s). Public Service Operations Management: A research handbook. 1 ed. Abingdon, UK: Routledge; 2015. p. 310-327
Burgess, N., Worthington C., Davis, N., Radnor, Z., Robinson, S., Cooke, M. (2011). SimLean Healthcare: Handbook. (accessed February 2012). SimLean Publishing.
Worthington, C., Robinson, S., Burgess, N. and Radnor, Z. (2010). ‘Rapid Modelling of Patient Flow in a Health Care Setting: Integrating Simulation with Lean.’ Rapid Modelling and Quick Response: Intersection of Theory and Practice (Reiner, G., ed.). Springer, London, Pages 131-142.