Nicola is an internationally recognised tourism academic who has made intellectual contributions to tourism governance. Specifically, her academic research draws on political economy and political ecology to generate new knowledge on ways in which social status, legitimacy, and power play a key role in the dynamics of sustainable community-based tourism development by stimulating local economies, conserving the environment, developing people’s livelihoods, and transforming lives.
Nicola’s academic research has attracted national endorsement from the Head of Government and Public Affairs at Visit Britain and the Institute of Travel and Tourism. She has achieved significant recognition from the Regional Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development, Chiang Mai University, the International Competence Network of Tourism Research and Education (ICNT), and national Tourism Research Network (TourNet). She has also made a notable impact on the conceptualisation and measurement of sub-regional and local visitor economies.
Nicola’s pedagogic research focuses on doctoral education. She has made outstanding national and international contributions to postgraduate research policies, standards, and educational practice in doctoral training, doctoral supervision and examining, doctoral programmes management and leadership, the development of inclusive postgraduate research communities, the professional enhancement of the postgraduate research student experience, and the professionalisation of doctoral supervision.
Nicola has transferable expertise in non-directive facilitation, dialogic, and participatory teaching and learning techniques.
Research Super-Vision Project (RSVP): transforming the culture of doctoral supervision and education – Work Package 2 Lead (Sheffield Hallam University)
Funder name: Research England
Funder scheme: Research England Development Fund (RED)
Funder type: UK Central / Local Government
Funding type: Research Grant
Project start date: 01 Oct 2023
Equity in Doctoral Education through Partnership and Innovation (EDEPI) – Co-Investigator (Sheffield Hallam University)
Funder name: Research England
Funder scheme: Funding competition to improve access and participation for black, Asian and minority ethnic groups in postgraduate research study
Funder type: UK Central / Local Government
Funding type: Research Grant
Project start date: 01 Feb 2022
Full publications list
Authored books
Palmer, N. J., Davies, J., & Viney, C. (2023). Business and Management Doctorates World-Wide: Developing the Next Generation. Emerald Publishing Limited. doi:10.1108/9781789734997
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Gorbuntsova T, Dobson S, Palmer N. (2019) Diverse Geographies of Power and Spatial production: Tourism industry development in the Yamal Peninsula, Northern Siberia. Annals of Tourism Research 76, 67-79, DOI:
Palmer, N. J. and Chuamuangphan, N. (2018) Governance and local participation in Ecotourism: community-level tourism stakeholders in Chiang Rai province, Thailand. Journal of Ecotourism. DOI:
Dorjsuren, A. and Palmer, N.J. (2018) Equity in tourism development: procedural justice and distributive justice in Mongolia, East Asia, Asian Journal of Tourism Research, 2 (1), pp.118-149.
Gorbuntsova, T., Dobson, S., & Palmer, N. (2018). Rural entrepreneurial space and identity: A study of local tour operators and ‘the Nenets’ indigenous reindeer herders. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEI), 19(4), 261-272. doi:10.1177/1465750317723220
Palmer, N.J. and Chuamuangphan, N. (2017). Societal values and local responses to appropriate livelihoods, fairness and decision-making involvement in ecotourism: Chiang Rai, Thailand. Asian Journal of Tourism Research, 2 (1), 118-149.
Book chapters
Palmer, N., Chuamuangphan, N., & Dorjsuren, A. (Accepted – in press, 2024). Local participation for a higher commitment to destination development. In Karl, M., Hansen, M. and Pillmayer, M. (Ed.s) Tourism destination development: A geographic perspective on destination management and tourist demand, de Gruyter Tourism Studies: Munich University of Applied Sciences.
Palmer, N.J., Davies, J. and Viney, C. (2023). Growth Patterns of Business and Management Doctorates Around the World. In N. Palmer, J. Davies, & C. Viney (Eds.), Business and Management Doctorates World-Wide: Developing the Next Generation (pp. 1-34). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Palmer, N., Davies, J., & Viney, C. (2023). Employability, Career Management and Postdoctoral Outcomes in Business and Management. In N. Palmer, J. Davies, & C. Viney (Eds.), Business and Management Doctorates World-Wide: Developing the Next Generation (pp. 103-124). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Palmer, N., Davies, J., & Viney, C. (2023). Research Environment, Culture, Capacity, Capabilities and Connectivity. In N. Palmer, J. Davies, & C. Viney (Eds.), Business and Management Doctorates World-Wide: Developing the Next Generation (pp. 125-151). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Palmer, N., Davies, J., & Viney, C. (2023). The Business School Doctoral Experience. In N. Palmer, J. Davies, & C. Viney (Eds.), Business and Management Doctorates World-Wide: Developing the Next Generation (pp. 69-102). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Palmer, N., Davies, J., & Viney, C. (2023). Recruitment, Selection and Retention in Business and Management Doctorates Around the World. In N. Palmer, J. Davies, & C. Viney (Eds.), Business and Management Doctorates World-Wide: Developing the Next Generation (pp. 35-68). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Palmer, N. (2022). Institutional influences on national tourism-related foreign direct investment (TFDI) policies and programmes: Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia. In H. C. Jönsson (Ed.), Tourism and Foreign Direct Investment (pp. 262 pages). Routledge.
Jönsson, C. & Palmer, N. (2022). Local impacts and perceptions of tourism foreign direct investment (TFDI): a conceptual framework. In C. Jönsson (Ed.), Tourism and Foreign Direct Investment (pp. 262 pages). Routledge.
Palmer, N. (2022). Kyrgyzstan, Tourism. In Springer Encyclopaedia of Tourism (second edition). Springer Reference: New York. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-01669-6_611-3
Winter, T., Kim, S., & Palmer, N. (2021). Where is 'The Poor' in Pro-poor VCA? A Review of Applying Pro-poor Value Chain Analysis in a Coastal Tourism Destination in the Northeast of Brazil. In Inclusive Tourism Futures (pp. 80-103). Channel View Publications Ltd.
Palmer, N.J. and Chuamuangphan, N. (2021). Governance and local participation in ecotourism: community-level ecotourism stakeholders in Chiang Rai province, Thailand. In: Diamantis, D. (Ed.) Stakeholders Management and Ecotourism (pp. 118-135). Routledge.
Palmer, N.J. and Long, P. (2018) The peculiar attraction of royalty for tourism and the popular cultural construction of ‘Royal Tourism’. In: Lundberg, C. and Ziakas, V. (Eds.) Handbook on popular culture and tourism (pp.201-2019). Routledge.
Practice oriented publications and presentations
Palmer, N., Davies, J., and Viney, C. (Accepted – in press, 2024). Re-imagining business school doctoral programmes: enhancing impact, aligning with industry, and developing the next generation. EFMD Global Focus, 1(16).
Palmer, N. and Tresidder, R. (2023, December). Navigating the Role of Replacement Lead Supervisor: An Autoethnographic Perspective. In 2023 SRHE International Research Conference. Conference Aston, Birmingham.
Palmer, N., Davies, J., Vala, S., & Viney, C. (2023). Podcast on Business School Doctorates. [Podcast]. UCL Global Business School for Health. Retrieved from
Anderson A, Browning D, Cox R, Cunnold H, Day M, Ho J, Leech H, McLean F, Midgley A, Palmer N, Piper-Wright T, Pritchard E, Qureshi S, Tata M, Webb M. (2022). Toolkits for developing and sustaining researcher networks. Vitae, Cambridge. Retrieved from
Palmer, N. (2022). Contesting boundaries: researcher networks as inclusive and exclusive spaces. [Commissioned Blog Post]. Vitae. Retrieved from
Palmer, N., Sheldon, J., and Smith McGloin, R. (2022). View From The Ground: What's Next?. The Protagonist. Retrieved from
Palmer, N., and Tresidder, R. (2021). Supporting the Continuous Professional Development of Supervisors in Waiting: The SHU Research Supervisor Passport. [Blog Post] UKCGE. Retrieved from
Palmer, N., and Tresidder, R. (2021, June). Acknowledging and responding to the ‘doctoral supervision waiting room’: the SHU Research Supervisor Passport. In UKCGE Annual Conference 2021: Resilience in Postgraduate Education: Adapting, Supporting, Sustaining. Online: UKCGE.
Palmer, N., Davies, J., Braccia, E., Clegg, K., and Smith, M. (2021). Supporting doctoral programmes during a global pandemic: Crisis as opportunity. EFMD Global Focus, 1 (15), 22-27. Retrieved from
Munday, D., Compton-Daw, E., Palmer, N., Kate, J., Parker-Hay, K., & Wheat, K. (2019, September). Beyond carrots and sticks: What motivates researchers to engage in their development? In Vitae International Conference 2019. Birmingham.
Palmer, N. (2019, May). Keynote: New Forms of Research Production and the PhD. In EFMD Doctoral Programmes Conference. University of Lancaster Management School: European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD).
Palmer, N. (2018). Are our doctoral programmes fit for purpose and the future? [Blog Post] European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). Retrieved from
Cleaver, D. and Palmer, N. (2017, July). Recognising and rewarding excellence in doctoral supervision: the SHU Inspirational Research Supervisor award scheme. In UKCGE Annual Conference. Universidade do Porto, Portugal: UKCGE.
Cleaver, D. and Palmer, N. (2017). Recognising and rewarding excellence in doctoral supervision: Superdupervisor Awards - how, why and to what end?. [Blog Post]. UKCGE. Retrieved from