Hirst M (2022) Preferential places in the Manchester and Stockport Methodist District during the early twenty-first century. Wesley and Methodist Studies, 14, 72-95.
Hirst M (2021) Being good neighbours: placing Methodist manses for ministry. Theology and Ministry, 7, 55-74.
Hirst M (2018) Solidarity with the poor? Positioning the Church of the Nazarene in England in 2003 and 2013. Wesley and Methodist Studies, 10, 66-84.
Hirst M (2017) Clergy in place in England: bias to the poor or inverse care law? Population, Space and Place, 23 (8).
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Parker G, Kampanellou E, Beresford B, Hirst, M (2017) Disability, Care and Participation: secondary analysis of the Life Opportunities Survey. Working Paper No. 2676, Social Policy Research Unit, University of York.
Hirst M (2016) Poverty, place and presence: positioning Methodism in England, 2001 to 2011, Theology and Ministry, 4, 4.1-4.25.
Corden A, Hirst M (2015) The Meaning of Funeral Poverty: An Exploratory Study. Working Paper No. 2668, Social Policy Research Unit, University of York.
Hirst, M (2014) Transitions into and out of unpaid care. Working Paper No. 2644, Social Policy Research Unit, University of York.
Corden A, Hirst M (2013) Financial constituents of family bereavement, Family Science, 4, 59-65.
Corden A, Hirst M (2013) Economic components of grief, Death Studies, 37, 725-749.
Hirst M (2012) The British Household Panel Survey: a longitudinal perspective on unpaid carers, pp. 222-225, in Becker S, Bryman A, Ferguson H (eds.) Understanding Research for Social Policy and Social Work. Bristol, Policy Press.
Corden A, Hirst M (2011) Partner care at the end-of-life: identity, language and characteristics, Ageing and Society, 31, 217-242.
Hirst M, Corden A (2010) Change in living arrangements following death of a partner in England and Wales, 1971 to 2001, Population Trends, 141, 130-150.
Corden A, Hirst M, Nice K (2010) Death of a partner: financial implications and experience of loss, Bereavement Care, 29, 23-28.
Corden A, Hirst M (2008) Implementing a mixed methods approach to explore the financial implications of death of a life partner, Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 2, 208-220.
Arksey H, Corden A, Glendinning C, Hirst M (2008) Managing money in later life: help from relatives and friends, Benefits: the Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 16, 47-59.
Parker G, Grebe C, Hirst M, Hendey N, Pascall G (2007) Double Discrimination? Gender and disability in access to the labour market. Working Paper No. 2237, Social Policy Research Unit, University of York.
Hirst M (2005) Estimating the prevalence of unpaid adult care over time, Research, Policy and Planning, 23, 1-16.
Hirst M (2005) Carer distress: a prospective, population-based study, Social Science and Medicine, 61, 697-708.
Hirst M, Thornton P (2005) Disabled people in public sector employment, 1998 to 2004, Labour Market Trends, 113, 189-199.
Arksey H, Hirst M (2005) Unpaid carers’ access to and use of primary care services, Primary Health Care Research and Development, 6, 101-116.
Hirst M (2003) Caring-related inequalities in psychological distress in Britain during the 1990s, Journal of Public Health Medicine, 25, 336-343.
Hirst M (2002) Transitions to informal care in Great Britain during the 1990s, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 56, 579-587.
Saunders P, Bradshaw J, Hirst M (2002) Using household expenditure to develop an income poverty line, Social Policy and Administration, 36, 217-234.
Baldwin S, Hirst M (2002) Children as carers, pp. 153-166, in Bradshaw J (ed.) The Well-being of Children in the UK. London, Save the Children Fund.
Hirst M (2002) Costing adult care: comments on the ONS valuation of unpaid adult care, Social Policy Research Unit, University of York.
Hirst M (2001) Trends in informal care in Great Britain during the 1990s, Health and Social Care in the Community, 9, 348-357.
Arksey H, Hirst M (2001) Taking care of the carers, General Practitioner, 36-37 (27 April).
Arksey H, Hirst M (2001) Why GPs are best placed to support the work of carers, General Practitioner, 34-35 (20 April).
Hirst M, Arksey H (2000) Informal carers count, Nursing Standard, 14, 42, 33-34.
Hirst M, Hutton S (2000) Informal care over time, Benefits: Social Security Research, Policy and Practice, 28, 9-12.