Accessibility statement

Professor Melanie Kreye
Associate Dean for Staff Development and EDI



Melanie Kreye is a Professor and Chair of Operations and Supply Chain Management at the School for Business and Society. She joined the school from The Technical University of Denmark. She further holds an external position at the Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester. Her research focuses on services and their role in creating a sustainable future. Her research has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as Omega – The International Journal of Management Science, The International Journal of Operations & Production Management, and Production Planning and Control. She is an Associate Editor at the International Journal of Operations and Production Management and a Board Member at the European Operations Management Association (EurOMA).

Subject Group

People, Operations and Marketing



My research interest falls largely in the area of services and their role in creating a sustainable future. Within this area, my research interests focus on the following specific topics:

  1. Globalisation of service operations, including the global integration and standardisation of service concepts, operational integration between local subsidiaries, knowledge and capability integration in the global network.
  2. Servitisation and the need to engage in close relational set-ups between servitised manufacturers and their customers. Exemplar topics of investigation are the dynamic
    development of these relationships over time, the role of uncertainty in decision making throughout the lifetime of these relationships, and the role of individual employees as boundary spanners to implementing relationships.
  3. Uncertainty and risk management to enable resilient systems and recover effectively from operational disruptions. Of particular focus here is the recovery of service operations from exogenous disruptions, such as pandemics, geopolitical unrests, wars or earthquakes.



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Melanie Kreye

School for Business and Society
University of York
Church Lane Building
York Science Park
York YO10 5ZF

T: +44 1904 32 3901
