Mark returned to education, after working in the event management industry. He studied at Lancaster University, gaining a first class honours degree in Organisational Psychology. To further study aspects of work psychology, Mark gained an MPhil from the University of Cambridge, specialising in aspects of Organisational Behaviour, and gained a PhD through a Psychological study of Organisation, from the University of Leicester.
Departmental roles
Joint UG Admissions Tutor
Firstly, Mark works within the field of Science and Technology Studies. His recent research has followed the philosophical understanding of affect. This has placed particular emphasis on Spinoza's Ethics and the ethological and political readings of this work by Gilles Deleuze. This theoretical approach informed an 18 month ethnographic study of an organisation involved in the production of space instrumentation, planetary observers and overall management of space missions. He has also followed and studied technology through various stages of innovation and transfer, from the public to private sector, and from space to novel terrestrial applications.
Secondly, Mark is interested in understanding the social and political construction of central urbanism and city life. Current research examines the cultural practises that constitute the city centre spaces within which economic exchanges occur, from the perspectives of the organisation, consumer and retailer. Recent work has looked at the performative transformation of street space, examining street entrepreneurship, and the management of various city centre festivals and events.
A third aspect of Mark's research interest is exploring the haptic immersion of precision work. This focuses on aspects of work such as engineering, science and craftwork, and examines the intensity of haptic senses in the act of touch and re-configuring our understanding of tacit knowledge in precision work.