Visit Linda Cusworth's profile on the York Research Database to see a full list of publications and browse his research related activities.
Linda Cusworth spent over 8 years in the Social Policy Research Unit (SPRU), before transferring to the Department for Social Policy and Social Work in January 2016.
She is an experienced quantitative social researcher, with expertise in secondary analysis, data linkage and management, survey (including online survey) design and analysis. She has made use of administrative and cohort data (e.g. Born in Bradford cohort, Health Episode Statistics), as well as collecting primary quantitative data, and has recent experience of linking cohort data with both administrative data and primary data.
Linda’s main research interests centre on child well-being and improving child outcomes, particularly those for children with experience of the care system. Recent work includes a study of maltreatment within residential and foster care. Linda is currently working on two projects: a study comparing outcomes for children who enter care due to concerns about maltreatment, with similar children who remain at home and are the subject of a Child Protection Plan (CPP), and a study looking at pathways to permanence for children who were accommodated under the age of five in Scotland.
Recent advisory activities include: