Luisa Huatuco is a Reader in Operations Management. She joined the School for Business and Society in September 2015. Previously, she was a Lecturer in Operations & Business Processes at Leeds University Business School. She obtained her DPhil from the University of Oxford with the thesis entitled: “The role of rescheduling in manufacturing systems’ complexity”.
She was the Principal Investigator on the EU funded project: DISRUPT “Quantitative modelling of sustainable supply chains subject to major disruptions” and has been involved in two major EPSRC funded activities: Complexity in the Supply Chain project (GR/M57842) and Manufacturing Futures Network (EP/D059046/1). Her research work has been carried out with industrial collaborators, including: B&K, Kingkraft, Eminox, Union Industries, Clariant UK plc, Sulzer Pumps, ALPLA and Graphic plc.
She is a Co-Track chair of the British Academy of Management conference, Performance Management track. She is an External Examiner at Staffordshire University Business School, and Strathclyde University Department of Design Manufacturing and Engineering Management.
She is the Co-Editor for the International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (IJPPM) together with Dr Nicky Shaw from Leeds University Business School (University of Leeds, UK).
She is an Editorial Advisory Board member of the International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS) and formerly of the International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (IJPPM). She is a member of the Editorial Review Board for the International Journal of Operations and Production Management (IJOPM).
Luisa is a member of the EPSRC Manufacturing Futures Network, British Academy of Management (BAM), European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) and Decision Sciences Institute (DSI).
Departmental roles
Climate resilience and green transitions Interdisciplinary Cluster Lead
Luisa’s expertise in manufacturing systems' complexity, contextualises her current research interests at firm and supply chain levels: sustainable supply chains, management of disruptions to distribution/logistics and high value manufacturing.
She has disseminated the results of her research using various routes including: internationally ranked academic journals and several international conferences. She has also been fostering links with researchers in Latin America and Europe.
She has co-Guest Edited a special volume on “Decision-support models and tools for helping to make real progress to more sustainable societies” for the Journal of Cleaner Production (Vol. 105), as well as two special issues for the International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management on: “Third Sector and Performance” (Vol. 63, No. 6) and “Performance measurement of sustainable supply chains” (Vol. 62, No.8). More recently, she is a co-Guest Editor of a special issue on “Service Improvement in Public Sector Operations – a European comparative analysis” for the European Management Journal (Vol. 38, No. 3).
-Complexity in the Supply Chain
-High Value Manufacturing
-Supply chain disruptions and sustainability metrics
-Net zero goals: low carbon and business growth
-UN Sustainable Development Goals, SDG 9 and SDG 12
Research group(s)
Sustainability and Resilience theme
Risk, Innovation and the Economy theme
PI: Research England Quality-Related Research Strategic Priorities Fund (£12.9k). “Strategies towards achieving low carbon and high-value added from the economic sectors,”. Mid-February until end September 2022.
PI: Research England Quality-Related Research Strategic Priorities Fund (£4k). Brief on “Low carbon infrastructure and business growth”. Mid-February until end March
PI: Newton Fund Research Links UK-Brazil, November 2018, (£53k): British Council/Newton Fund UK-Brazil researcher links workshop on: “UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): International Academic Collaboration for Transformational Industry and its Social and Environmental Impacts” UK PI: Dr Luisa Huatuco, Brazil PI: Professor Kruglianskas. University of Sao Paulo, 13th -16th August 2019.
Co-I for EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account funded from SDDU High Value Engineering Sand pit “Smart / Adaptable structures for medical applications:
Integrated Enabling Technologies and Innovation Processes” (£7.5k), May-July 2015.
PI for Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowship (278k euros), January 2012. DISRUPT “Quantitative modelling of sustainable supply chains subject to major
disruptions”. With MCIIF Professor Jairo Montoya Torres.
Several Universities in UK and Europe as well as Latin America. In particular, some long-term collaboration with colleagues from:
University of Oxford, UK
Politechnico di Milano, Italy
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Available PhD research projects
If you are a prospective PhD student and have research interests for a PhD project in relation to my research interests. Please follow the information in PhD programme website at:
Management (PhD) - School for Business and Society, University of York
PhD theses, preliminary titles
Lead supervisor: Katie Noble, “Knowledge and perspectives on laboratory grown meat: Understanding the environmental sustainability of meat alternatives and how that informs consumer perspectives”, started in October 2021.
Lead supervisor: Juan Ramon Candia, “How can digital technologies contribute to transform Business Models in the context of sustainability?”, started in October 2020.
Second supervisor: Jin Chen: “Evolution of the e-commerce enabled short food supply chain (SFSC) in local contexts and interrelated knowledge management: The cases of
Taobao villages” with Professor Bob Doherty, started supervision mid-July 2020.
Lead supervisor: Edidiong Udo “Addressing the Challenge of Supply Chain Disruption for Businesses: Exploring the advantages of Big Data” with Professor Peter Ball, started mid-
January 2019.