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Dr Katherine Graham

  • Lecturer

Visit Dr Katherine Graham's profile on the York Research Database to see a full list of publications and browse her research related activities.

Areas of Expertise

  • Adult safeguarding
  • Personalisation
  • Social care workforce

Academic Biography

I joined the department of Social Policy and Social Work in September 2014.  My background is in social work, working with people with learning difficulties and most recently a specialist adult safeguarding team. My experience of direct support work and social work during the development of the personalisation agenda led to a PhD research project exploring the relationships between employers who have learning difficulties and their personal assistants. This project sought to explore the complexity of these intimate relationships with equal interest in the experience of both the employer and personal assistant.  More recently I have been working at the Social Care Workforce Research Unit at King’s College London on a study which seeks to further our understanding of safeguarding adults practice and outcomes for the adults involved.

My research interests include the personalisation agenda in social care, self-directed support by people with learning difficulties, self-advocacy, the social relations of support work and assistance and the evolving relationships between personalisation, personal assistance and adult safeguarding processes.

BA in Sociology – University of York – 2004,

MA in Social Work – Goldsmiths College, University of London – 2006

MRES in Social Policy – University of York – 2009

PhD – Department of Social Policy and Social Work – University of York – 2012  Title: Changing social relations: A study exploring the roles, responsibilities and relationships of employers with learning difficulties and their personal assistants.


I am involved in various aspects of the Social Work course including human development, law and topics related to personalisation in social work. 

Contact details

Dr Katherine Graham
School for Business and Society

Tel: 01904 32 1205