I gained my BSc in Information Technology from the Polytechnic of Wales, and an MSc from the Department of Instrumentation and Analytical Science (DIAS), UMIST, which has now merged with the Victoria University of Manchester to form the University of Manchester. After this I completed a part time Post Graduate Management Diploma at Manchester School of Management, also part of UMIST, while researching wet end retention in Paper Machines for English China Clay International, and Signal Processing for Micro-Assay Equipment. I then undertook a PGCE for Post Compulsory Education and Training at the University of Huddersfield.
I worked as an Instrumentation & Control engineer for Siemens while out of academia and I am a Member of the Institute of Engineers and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. I have been teaching at the University of York since 2008, and before then for the Open University from April 2003.
School for Business and Society
University of York
Church Lane Building
York Science Park
York YO10 5ZFTel: +44 (0) 1904 325035
Email: jonathan.fanning@york.ac.uk
Room: CL/A/137
Subject Group
Work Management and Organisation Group
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