Accessibility statement

Jairaj Gupta
Associate Professor in Accounting and Finance


I joined the University of York as an Associate Professor in October 2021, with the objective to pursue scholarly engagements oriented toward the public good. Despite global sustainability efforts, there is a growing wedge between socially optimal behaviour and conduct that is individually optimal for an economic agent. I believe that the Hindu concept of ‘Dharma’ (aspiring for what is socially optimal) can be useful in guiding firms and industries in their transition from being mere ‘practical’ to the ‘ideal’, instead. Thus, my research focuses on opportunistic business decisions and their social implications, targeted toward Valuation and Financial Reporting Challenges of New-Economy Firms, Market-Based Accounting, Earnings Management and Corporate Bankruptcy. I am a researcher of originality, who clearly possesses the ability to independently pursue research ideas to their conclusions. My research has been published in internationally reputed peer reviewed journals, and presented at prestigious Annual Meetings of the American Economic Association, European Accounting Association and American Accounting Association among others. My lectures are definitely intense, but incredibly insightful and educating. With excellent organisational and communication skills, an outstanding work ethic and the ability to work well in both team-oriented and self-directed environment, I am positioned to exceed your expectations. I welcome enquiries pertaining to PhD supervision, corporate consultancy, or research collaboration.

Jairaj Gupta

School for Business and Society
University of York
Church Lane Building
York Science Park
York YO10 5ZF

T: +44 (0) 1904 328385
Room: CL/A/119E

Subject Group

Accounting and Finance

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