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Dr Ian Jones
Career Development Fellow



Ian Jones is a Career Development Fellow at the School for Business and Society. Before joining York in September 2022, he worked as a Senior Research Assistant at Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University. Ian received his doctoral degree from the University of Liverpool in 2021 and won the 2022 Coleman Prize from the Association of Business Historians for excellence in new research on business
history. In 2018 Ian received the John F. Mee Award for the best contribution to Management History Division from the Academy of Management as well as the Best Developmental Paper award for the Management History track from the British Academy of Management.



I make use of historical methods and historical sources to understand contemporary problems, mainly focusing on British business or British owned business operating internationally. My previous research has focused on how organisations use their pasts to achieve their contemporary goals, with much of my research focusing on the British banking industry. I am also interested in corporate archives, concepts of authenticity, organisational memory, sensemaking and sensegiving and am currently conducting research on the wrestling industry and the video games industry.


Other teaching

I currently teach undergraduate and postgraduate modules on strategy, business history, and the use of historical methods, and supervise Masters dissertations. I have previously supervised undergraduate dissertations and taught modules on leadership, globalisation, and entrepreneurism.


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School for Business and Society
University of York
Church Lane Building
York Science Park
York YO10 5ZF

Tel: 01904 326491
Room: A/C/209