Bob Doherty is Dean of the School for Business and Society at the University of York. Since joining York in 2012 he has won £10.1m in grant funding with £9.4m as Principal Investigator including, ‘IKnowFood’ in 2016 (£3.4m) and more recently in 2020 a £6m award from the Transforming Food Systems SPF for a programme titled ‘Transformations to Regenerative Food Systems (TReFS) renamed 'FixOurFood'. Bob referred to this project during YorkTalks 2021 when he discussed how the pandemic could be a turning point in the way we feed ourselves.
Bob was seconded for 3-years (April 2019-March 2022) as a policy fellow into UK Government Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) on a new science research programme launched to inform DEFRA policy-making. In addition, he is former University of York lead for N8 AgriFood with the role as Director of the N8 Food Systems Policy Hub and former research theme leader for sustainable food in the York Environmental Sustainability Institute (YESI). Furthermore, he is a trustee of the Fairtrade Foundation and is a member of the Fera Science Committee. Bob was Deputy Dean at the York Management School (2013-2015), then Acting Dean (2015-2016).
Bob specialises in research on hybrid organisations namely the marketing and management aspects of fair trade organisations and social enterprises and has published in Nature, Journal of Business Ethics and the International Journal of Management Reviews. Recently his research interests have developed to look at the role these hybrid organizations play in food systems resilience. Bob is Founding Editor Emeritus of the Social Enterprise Journal - after 10-years as Editor in Chief. Prior to moving into academia Bob spent nearly five years as Head of Sales and Marketing at the Fairtrade social enterprise, Divine Chocolate Ltd.
Bob has also provided both oral and written evidence for a range of House of Commons select committees, House of Lords Food and Farming enquiries and for the National Food Strategy, where he has played the role of rapporteur at public dialogues.
Departmental roles
Dean of School for Business and Society
Principal Investigator of FixOurFood
Main Research Interests
Professor Doherty is particularly interested in researching those enterprises, which promote both social welfare and reduce environmental degradation, namely hybrid organisations such as social enterprises and fair trade organisations. More recently, his research has developed to study how these organisational types can contribute to transforming food systems. Bob has published in Nature, Journal of Business Ethics and the International Journal of Management Reviews.
Bob currently supervisors a range of funded PhD students not least a CLAHRC, White Rose PhD student on UK Food Poverty, a White Rose DTC ESRC Big Data Network Award PhD investigating what can we learn from Big Data in food trust incidents and a third White Rose DTC funded PhD on Supply Chains as Socio-Ecological Systems: Fair Trade and Cooperative Governance as a means to Building Resilience.
Funded Projects
Since joining York in 2012 he has won £10.1m in grant funding with £9.4m as Principal Investigator including, ‘IKnowFood’ in 2016 (£3.4m) and more recently in 2020 a £6m award from the Transforming Food Systems SPF for a programme titled ‘Transformations to Regenerative Food Systems’
This new UKRI award, which involves five other universities (Oxford, Leeds, Manchester, Cranfield and City) plus twenty-one stakeholder partners, has a vision for a Yorkshire food system constituting regenerative and equitable healthy eating for young children, supported by regenerative hybrid food economies and regenerative farming. This project will look at interventions in food retailing and farming to address issues such as childhood obesity, sustainability in agriculture and global warming.
Research Impact
Since April 2019, Bob has been seconded into the UK Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), working as part of a new Systems Programme Research team on policy interventions in the food system eg the new National Food Strategy. Furthermore, he was a key advisor on the Coop new Future of Food Strategy. Bob also sits on the Fairtrade Foundation board as the founder members nominated trustee.
Bob is Principal Investigator on a recent ESRC Business Boost grant win (2018) titled 'Role of Hybrid Organisations in designing Inclusive Value Chains for Smallholders: Best Practice Industry Collaborative Hub'. Bob is Co-Investigator on another recent ESRC grant win (2018) 'Sustainable Consumption, the Middle Classes and Agri-food Ethics in the Global South' and he has also just won a Newton Fund Grant 'Pathways to transformation of small-scale agriculture in the Mekong Region', which has led to the development of an institutional link with Chiang Mai University.
Bob has worked on a range of funded projects including a White Rose Grant in collaboration with Dr Anne Tallontire at the University of Leeds School of Earth and Environment and Professor David Oglethorpe at Sheffield University Management School titled; Building up Resilience in Supply Chains (BURNS). In addition, he has worked with principal investigator Dr Mike Tse on a British Academy Grant investigating Big Data and the Horse Meat scandal. Furthermore, Bob has won research funding from the Institute of Small Business Entrepreneurship (ISBE) RAKE Award from Economic Social Research Council looking at how Local Economic Partnerships (LEPs) and Social Enterprises are creating Growth in the social sector and a Fairtrade Foundation Grant to investigate and compare the development of fair trade markets in four European territories (United Kingdom, Italy, France and Switzerland).
Policy Work
Bob has provided both oral and written evidence in 2020 to the House of Commons, International Trade Committee (ITC):
The House of Commons, Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA) Committee 2020:
Plus two co-authored pieces of written evidence in 2020 to House of Lords Select Committee on Food Poverty and Health
Research group(s)
Available PhD research projects
Full publications list
Published Refereed Journal articles
- Nixon, N; Bryant, M; Sheard, L; Padgett, L; Doherty, B. (2025). A scoping review of the existing evidence linking school food procurement contract type with school food provision, PLOS One
- Ehgartner, U., Kluczkovski, A., & Doherty, B. (2025). Public food procurement as a tool for building food system resilience in the UK. Nature Food, 1-4.
- Mahdi S, Connolly A, Doherty B, Bryant M. (2025). ‘Will my fingerprint be enough?’: secondary school students struggle to purchase a healthy, tasty and sustainable meal on the UK free school meal allowance. Public Health Nutrition, 28(1):e19. doi:10.1017/S1368980024002593
- Buckton SJ, Fazey I, Doherty B, Bryant M, Banwart SA, Carmen E, et al. (2024). Transformative action towards regenerative food systems: A large-scale case study. PLOS Sustain Transform 3, 11, e0000134.
- Sheard, L., Previdoli, G., Burton, W., Benchekroun, R., Power, M., Doherty, B., ... & Bryant, M. (2024). Fair Food Futures UK: Protocol for a mixed methods study exploring what approaches adopted by community food organisations are more likely to prevent the need for emergency food in two multicultural communities in Northern and Southern England. PLOS ONE.
- Kluczkovski, A., Doherty, B., Denby, K. et al. (2024). Aquaponics in schools: hands-on learning about healthy eating and a healthy planet. Nutrition bulletin.
- Cordero, Doherty et al., (2024). AgriFoodPy: a package for modelling food systems. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(97), 6305,
- Buckton, S., Fazey, I., Carmen, E., Kendrick, I., Ball, P., Bryant, M., Connolly, A., Denby, K., Doherty, B., James, A. and Morris, B., (2024). Transformative Action Towards Regenerative Food Systems: a Large-scale Case Study.
- Pexas, G., Doherty, B., & Kyriazakis, I. (2023). The future of protein sources in livestock feeds: implications for sustainability and food safety. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7, 1188467.
- Mueller C, West C, Bastos Lima MG, Doherty B. Demand-Side Actors in Agricultural Supply Chain Sustainability: An Assessment of Motivations for Action, Implementation Challenges, and Research Frontiers. World. 2023; 4(3):569-588.
- Buckton, S; Fazey, I; Sharpe, B; Om, E.S; Doherty, B et al. (2023). The Regenerative Lens: A conceptual framework for regenerative social-ecological systems. One Earth
- Richard M. Friend, Robert I. Arthur, Cecile Brugere, Ian G. Cowx, Bob Doherty, Sithirith Mak, Md. Monirul Islam, Fiona Nunan, Jouni Paavola, Chainarong Stretthachau, Bryce D.Stewart, Samarthia Thankappan & Chayan Vaddhanaphuti (2023) Hydropower Development and the Neglect of Inland Capture Fisheries from a Food Systems Perspective, Society & Natural Resources DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2023.2223551
- Huybrechts, B., Haugh, H.M. and Doherty, B. (2023), Mission Accomplished? Balancing Market Growth and Moral Legitimation in the Fair Trade Moral Market. Studies.
- Friend, R., Thiengburanathum, P., Harrison, L., Thiengburanathum, P., Doherty, B., & Thankappan, S. Participatory diagnosis of food systems fragility; perspectives from Thailand. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7, 104.
- Ciambotti, G., Pedrini, M., Doherty, B., & Molteni, M. (2023). Unpacking social impact scaling strategies: challenges and responses in African social enterprises as differentiated hybrid organizations. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 29(11), 25-57.
Zurek, M., Ingram, J., Sanderson Bellamy, A., Goold, C., Lyon, C., Alexander, P., Doherty, B... & Withers, P. J. (2022). Food system resilience: concepts, issues, and challenges. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 47, 511-534.
- Zhou, Q., Edafioghor, T. E., Wu, C. H., & Doherty, B. (2022). Building organisational resilience capability in small and medium‐sized enterprises: The role of high‐performance work systems. Human Resource Management Journal.
- Oliver, T. H., Doherty, B., Dornelles, A., Gilbert, N., Greenwell, M. P., Harrison, L. J., ... & Weinstein, N. (2022). A safe and just operating space for human identity: a systems perspective. The Lancet Planetary Health, 6(11),
- Jay J. Duckworth, Mark Randle, Lauren S. McGale, Andrew Jones, Bob Doherty, Jason C.G. Halford, Paul Christiansen. (2022) Do front-of-pack ‘green labels’ increase sustainable food choice and willingness-to-pay in U.K. consumers? Journal of Cleaner Production.
- Doherty, B., Jackson, P., Poppy, G. M., Wagstaff, C., and White, M. (2022) UK government food strategy lacks ambition to achieve transformative food system change. Nature Food.
- Yang, T.F., Power, M., Moss, R.H., Lockyer, B, Burton, W., Doherty, B. and Bryant, M. (2022). Are free school meals failing families? Exploring the relationship between child food insecurity, child mental health and free school meal status during COVID-19: national cross-sectional surveys. BMJ Open Volume 2, Issue 16. .
- Hirth, S., Oncini, F., Boons, F., & Doherty, B. (2022). Building back normal? An investigation of practice changes in the charitable and on-the-go food provision sectors through COVID-19. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 18(1), 410-427.
- White, G.R.T., Samuel, A., Peattie, K. and Doherty, B. (2022), "Reconciling social enterprise: beyond the paradox perspective", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Doherty, B., Bryantm M., Denby, K., Fazey, I., Bridle, S, Hawkes, C., Cain, M., ... Connolly, A. (2021). Transformations to regenerative food systems—An outline of the FixOurFood project. Nutrition Bulletin,
- Oliver, T. H., Benini, L., Borja, A., Dupont, C., Doherty, B., Grodzińska-Jurczak, M., ... & Tarrason, L. (2021). Knowledge architecture for the wise governance of sustainability transitions. Environmental Science & Policy, 126, 152-163.
- Hirth. S., Boons, F, Doherty. B. (2021). Unpacking food to go: Packaging and food waste of on the go provisioning practices in the UK, Geoforum, Volume 126, 115-125, ISSN 0016-7185,
- Peng, S., Jia, F. and Doherty, B. (2021), "The role of NGOs in sustainable supply chain management: a social movement perspective", Supply Chain Management,
- Boons, F., Doherty, B., Köhler, J., Papachristos, G., & Wells, P. (2021). Disrupting transitions: qualitatively modelling the impact of Covid-19 on UK food and mobility provision. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions.
- Power M, Pybus KJ, Pickett KE and Doherty B. “The reality is that on Universal Credit I cannot provide the recommended amount of fresh fruit and vegetables per day for my children”: Moving from a behavioural to a systemic understanding of food practices [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]. Emerald Open Res 2021, 3:3 (
- Doherty, Bob; Kittipanya-Ngam, Pichawadee. (2021). "The Role of Social Enterprise Hybrid Business Models in Inclusive Value Chain Development" Sustainability 13, no. 2: 499.
- Garnett, P., Doherty, B. & Heron, T. Vulnerability of the United Kingdom’s food supply chains exposed by COVID-19. Nat Food (2020).
- Doherty, B & Kittipanya-Ngam, Pichawadee (2020). The emergence and contested growth of social enterprise in Thailand, Journal of Asian Public Policy, DOI: 10.1080/17516234.2020.1777628
- Doherty, B., Sidhu, Y., Heron, T., West, C., Seaton, A., Gulec, J., ... & Martinez, P. F. (2020). Citizen Participation in Food Systems Policy Making: A case study of a citizens’ assembly. Emerald Open Research, 2(22), 22
- Power, M., Doherty, B., Pybus, K., & Pickett, K. (2020). How Covid-19 has exposed inequalities in the UK food system: The case of UK food and poverty. Emerald Open Research, 2(11), 11. (
- Friend R.M., Thankappan S., Doherty B. et al. (2019). Agricultural and food systems in the Mekong region: Drivers of transformation and pathways of change [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. Emerald Open Res, 1:12 (
- Doherty, B., Ensor, J., Heron, T. and Prado, P. (2019). Food Systems Resilience: Towards an Interdisciplinary Research Agenda.Emerald Open Research, Sutainable Food Systems1:4.(
- Power, M., Small, N., Doherty, B. and Pickett, K.E. (2018). "Hidden Hunger? Experiences of Food Insecurity among Pakistani and British Women." British Food Journal, 120 (11), pp.2716-2732,
- Power, M., Small, N., Doherty, B. and Pickett, K.E. (2018). "The Incompatibility of System and Lifeworld Understandings of Food Insecurity and the Provision of Food Aid in an English City", Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Non-Profit Organisations, pp 1-16,
- Davies, I.A., Doherty, B. (2018). "Balancing a Hybrid Business Model: The Search for Equilibrium at Cafédirect", Journal of Business Ethics,
- Gillett, A., Loader, K., Doherty, B. et al. (2018). "An examination of tensions in a hybrid collaboration: a longitudinal study of an empty homes project", Journal of Business Ethics,
- Power, M.S., Small, N., Doherty B., Stewart-Knox, B., Pickett, K. E. (2018). "Is food insecurity associated with maternal health among UK ethnic groups? An exploration of women in the BiB cohort", European Journal of Public Health, cky042,
- Powell, M., Gillett, A. & Doherty, B. (2019). "Sustainability in social enterprise: hybrid organizing in public services", Public Management Review, 21(2), 159-186.
- Anthony Samuel, Ken Peattie, Bob Doherty, (2018) "Expanding the boundaries of brand communities: the case of Fairtrade Towns", European Journal of Marketing,
- Doherty, B. (2018) "Research in the Social Enterprise Journal – from the margins to the mainstream", Social Enterprise Journal,
- Power, M. S., Small, N., Doherty, B., Stewart-Knox, B. & Pickett, K. (2017). “Bringing heaven down to earth”: the purpose and place of religion in UK food aid", Social Enterprise Journal,
- Power, M. S., Uphoff, E. P., Stewart-Knox, B., Small, N., Doherty, B. & Pickett, K. (2017). "Food insecurity and socio-demographic characteristics in two UK ethnic groups: an analysis of women in the Born in Bradford cohort", Journal of Public Health,
- Power, M. S., Doherty, B., Small, N., Teasdale, S. & Pickett, K. (2017). 'All in it Together? Community Food Aid in a Multi-Ethnic Context', Journal of Social Policy,
- Doherty, B. (2016), ‘Resilience and Fair Trade’, Journal of the Institute of Food Science and Technology, 30 (3),
Zhang, M., Tse, Y.K., Doherty, B., Li,S., Akhtar,P., (2016). Sustainable supply chain management: Confirmation of a higher-order model, Resources,
Conservation and Recycling,
- Tse, Y. K., Zhang, M., Doherty, B., Chappell, P., & Garnett, P. (2016). Insight from the horsemeat scandal: exploring the consumers’ opinion of tweets toward Tesco. Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 116 Iss 6 pp. 1178 - 1200,
- Gillett, A., Doherty, B., Loader, K., and Scott, J. (2016), Multi-organizational cross-sectoral collaboration: empirical evidence from an ‘Empty Homes’ project, Public Money and Management, Vol. 36, Number 1, 15-22
- Doherty, B., Smith, A. and Parker, S. (2015), ‘Fair Trade Market Creation and marketing in the Global South, Geoforum, special issue on Ethical Consumption In Global South Middle-classes,
- Mason, C. and Doherty, B. (2015), A fair trade-off? Paradoxes in the governance of fair-trade social enterprises, Journal of Business Ethics, 01/2015; DOI: 10.1007/s10551-014-2511-2
- Doherty, B., Meehan, J. and Richards, A. (2015), The Business Case and Barriers for Responsible Management Education in Business Schools, Journal of Management Development, 34 (1),
- Doherty, B., Haugh, H. and Lyon, F. (2014), ‘Social enterprises as hybrid organizations- A review and research agenda’, International Journal of Management Reviews, 16 (4), 417-436 and associated teaching guide learning_guides.htm
- Doherty, B. and Huybrechts, B. (2013), 'Connecting producers and consumers through fair and sustainable value chains', Social Enterprise Journal, 9, issue 1, p. 4-10
- Doherty, B. and Clarke, D.W. (2012), 'Drawing on "Producer-Tours": A Technique for Addressing Consumer Uncertainty Surrounding the Consumption of fair trade Food Products? Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 24, 296-320
- Doherty, B. and Davies, I. (2013), "Where Next for Fair Trade", Business History, 55(2), 161-189
- Davies, I.A.; Doherty, B.; Knox, S. (2010) “The rise and stall of a fair trade pioneer: The story of Cafédirect”, Journal of Business Ethics, 92, 127-147
- Doherty, B. (2010), ‘An Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship: voices, preconditions and contexts’, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 16 (1), 97-102
- Doherty, B. (2009), ‘Resource Advantage Theory and Fair Trade Social Enterprises’, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 19 (4), 357-380
- Doherty, B. (2008), ‘A truly co-operative venture: the case study of Co-operative Food, a retailer response to Fair Trade’, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 16 (3), 205-221
- Phipps, D., Alkhaddar, R., Morgan, R., McClelland, R., Doherty, R. (2009) Water and Energy Efficient Showers In Howlett, R.J. Lakhmi C.J., Lee, S.H. (ed) Sustainability in Energy and Buildings: Proceedings of the International Conference in Sustainability in Energy and Buildings (SEB'09) Part 6 pp. 357-368 Springer ISBN: 978-3642034541 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-03454-1_37
- Doherty, B. and Tranchell, S. (2007), ‘Radical Mainstreaming of Fairtrade’, special edition of Equal Opportunities International Journal, Special Issue on Culture and Diversity in Marketing, 26 (7), 693-711
- Doherty, B. and Meehan, J (2006) ' Market entry based on social resources: The Case of Day Chocolate Company in the UK confectionary sector’. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 14 (4), 299-313
- Doherty, B. and Thompson, J.L (2006), ‘The diverse world of social enterprise: a collection of eight social enterprise stories’, International Journal of Social Economics, 33, 5/6, p: 361-375 (special edition on social enterprise).
- Doherty, B. and Tranchell, S. (2005) ‘New thinking in international trade? a case study of the Day Chocolate Company; Sustainable Development Journal, 13, p:166-176 (this journal has an impact factor of 1.3 and is 11 out of 43 in the citation index and is equivalent therefore to 2 star journal)
Doherty, B., Foster, G., Mason, C., Meehan, J., Meehan, K., Rotheroe, N. and Royce, M. (2009), Management for Social Enterprise, SAGE Publishers
Chapters in Edited Books
Haugh, H.M. and Doherty, B. (2022). Social Entrepreneurship and the Common Good", Eberhart, R.N., Lounsbury, M. and Aldrich, H.E. (Ed.) Entrepreneurialism and Society: Consequences and Meanings (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 82), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 89-114.
- Civera, C., Doherty, B., Murdock, A., & Parra, C. (2021). (11) Business Model Reconfiguration during COVID-19. Business Model Innovation: New Frontiers and Perspectives. Routledge. ISBN 9780367456429.
- Doherty, B., Haugh, H. and Lyon, F. (2019), Strategic management tensions in hybrid organisations in Handbook on Hybrid Organisations, (Billis, D. and Rochester, C., eds.). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, Chapter 14.
- Blake, D.J.H, Thiengburanathum, Poon., Thiengburanathum, Pongtip., Friend, R.M., Doherty B. and Thankappan S. (2019), Looking at complex agri-food systems from an actor perspective: The case of Northern Thailand in Advances in Food Security and Sustainability, Volume 4 1st Edition (Barling, D. and Fanzo, J. eds). Academic Press, paperback ISBN: 9780128176986 (Chapter 2).
- Doherty, B. and Kittipanya-Ngam, P. (2019), Inclusive value chain development: the role of social enterprise hybrids in smallholder value chains in A Research Agenda for Social Enterprise (De Bruin, A. and Teasdale, S., eds). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. ISBN: 9781788972314 (Chapter 9, pp 94-103).
- Doherty, B. (2018), Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment through Fair Trade Social Enterprise: case of Divine Chocolate and Kuapa Kokoo in Entrepreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals Vol: 8 (Apostolopoulos, N., Al-Dajani, H., Holt, D., Jones, P. and Newbury, R. eds). Emerald Publishing Ltd (Chapter 9),
- Haugh, H, Lyon, F and Doherty, B (2018), Social Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship and Social Value Creation in The Sage Handbook of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (Blackburn, R., De Clerk, D. and Heinonen J. eds). Sage Publications Ltd:London. ISBN: 978-1-4739-2523-6 (Chapter 8, pp 125-142)
- Tse, Y.K, Zhang, M., Doherty, B., Moore. S.R., and Keefe, T. (2016), 'Exploring the Hidden Pattern from Tweets: Investigation into the Volkswagen Emission Scandal' in Supply Chain Management in the Big Data Era (Chan, HK, Subramanian, N and Abdulrahman, MD. eds.) IGI Global: Hershey, PA (Chapter 10, pp 171 - 196)
- Doherty, B., Benzencon, V. and Balineau, G. (2015), Fairtrade International and the European market, in The Handbook of Research on Fair Trade (Professor Laura Raynolds.eds) Edward Elgar publishers, (Chapter 18, 316-332)
- Doherty, B. (2013), Social Enterprise Management: how do social enterprises compete? in Denny, S. and Seddon, F. (ed.) Social Enterprise Accountability and Evaluation, London, Routledge, p. 28-49
- Doherty, B., Davies, I and Knox, S. (2012), ‘Cafédirect: The Marketing Evolution and Market Penetration for Fair Trade Products’, case study in new Dennis Collins text book titled ‘Business Ethics: How to Design and Manage Ethical Organisations’, John Wiley and Sons. ISBN: 978-0-470-63994-8
- Doherty, B. (2011), ‘Fair Trade: Ethics in Practice’ in from Critique to Action: The Practical Ethics of The Organizational World, Cambridge Scholars edited by David Weir and Nabil Sultan. ISBN (10): 1-4438-2839-4
Conference Proceedings
I have presented at over 30 conferences. Some of my keynotes and invited presentations include:
- Davies, I. and Doherty, B. (2016), ‘Cafédirect: Hybrid Tensions in a Fair Trade Pioneer’, European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) conference, Nottingham, June 20th-22nd
- Doherty, B., Haugh, H. and Lyon, F. (2016), ‘Strategic management tensions in hybrid organizations: the case of social enterprise, 32nd EGOS conference, Naples, Italy, Sub-theme 59: Considering the Commons in Organizations in the Shadow of Rational Organizing
- Doherty. B. (2016), ‘Strategic Management Tensions in Thailand Social Enterprises’, International Conference on Public Organizations (ICONPO VI), Open Government Democratic Governance and Public Administration, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand, 10-11th August.
- Doherty, B., and Haugh, H. (2015), ‘Fair trade in the frame: the role of rhetoric in market category creation and growth’ Sustainability, Ethics and Entrepreneurship Conference, Denver, Colorado, April 2015.
- Doherty, B. and Haugh. H. (2014), ‘Fair trade in the frame: A rhetorical analysis of new market categories and institutionalization’, Academy of Management 2014, Philadelphia, USA.
- Doherty, B. (2013), ‘Fair Trade Market Creation’, Academy of Management Conference, Capitalism under Question,Orlando, Florida, USA, August 1st-5th
- Doherty, B., Haugh, H. and Lyon, F. (2013), ‘Social enterprises as hybrid organizations- A review and research agenda’ International Social Innovation Research Conference, Said Business School, University of Oxford, September 2-4th
- Doherty, B. (2013), ‘The Development of Fair Trade in Europe’, 4th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise’, pp. 189-205, University of Liege, Liege, Belgium, 1-4th, July 2013
- Doherty, B. (2008), Social Enterprise in the UK, European Commission Leonardo Da Vinci programme Final conference on Social Entrepreneurship in Transition States, September 16-18th 2008
- Economic Social Research Council (ESRC) Seminar, keynote speaker “The Future of Fairtrade” at the BRASS Institute Cardiff, April 2009
- Doherty, B. (2011), ‘Impact Evaluation of Liberation CIC’, ESRC British Academy UK-Belgium Workshop on Social Enterprise, University of Liege, March 2nd, 2011
- Doherty, B. (2011), Producer Tours in Fair Trade, British Academy 2011 Supported Workshop on Emerging Issues in Uncertainty & Ethical/Sustainable Consumption Research, University of Glasgow Business School.
- Doherty, B. (2013), Governance Challenges in Fair Trade, World Fair Trade Organisation Conference, Rio De Janerio, Brazil, May 24th-28th 2013.
In addition, some of my recent conference presentations include:
- Doherty, B. (2009), ‘Resource Advantage Theory and Fair trade Social Enterprises’, ISBE (Institute of Small Business Entrepreneurship) Conference, November 3rd- 5th, 2009
- Doherty, B. (2009), ‘Social Resources and Social Enterprise’, 2nd EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise’, University of Trento, 1-4th July, 2009
- Doherty, B. (2010), ‘Resource Advantage Theory and Fair Trade Social Enterprises’ International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC), Said Business School, University of Oxford, , September 13-15th 2010
- Doherty, B. (2011), ‘Lessons Learned in the Start-up of Social Enterprises’, 3rd EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise’, University of Roskilde, Denmark, 4-7th July 2011
- Doherty, B. (2011), ‘Social-venture creation in Fair Trade Farmer-Owned Social Enterprises’ presented at International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC), London South-Bank University, September 13-15th 2011
- Doherty, B. (2012), ‘Social-venture creation in Fair Trade Farmer-Owned Social Enterprises’, Fourth International Fair trade Symposium, Liverpool Hope University, April 2nd-4th , 2012
- Doherty, B. (2012), ‘Where Now for Fair Trade’, Fourth International Fair trade Symposium, Liverpool Hope University, April 2nd-4th, 2012
- Doherty, B. and Mason, C. (2012), ‘Challenges of Governance in Fair Trade Social Enterprises’ will present this at two forthcoming conferences’, International Society for Third Sector Research), Sienna, July 11th- 14th , 2012
- Initiatives for Change Caux conference called ‘Trust and Integrity in the Global Economy”, 20-24th July 2012 with a paper titled “An equitable global economy through fair trade”.
Parliamentary Reports
UK Parliament written evidence to House of Commons International Development Select Committee for Fairtrade and Development, Volume 1, evidence titled Monitoring and Evaluation of Divine Chocolate in UK confectionery industry
Industry Reports
- Co-author of World Fair Trade Organization's report Creating the New Economy: Business models that put people and planet first, January 2020
- Referenced in Oxfam's The Future of Business: Shaping Inclusive Growth in SE Asia discussion paper, September 2018. Bob's work features in the section 'The future - hybrid and equitable business'.
- Credited advisor on Coops Future of Food Report, 27 September 2018
- Credited advisor on Morrisons British Food Report, February 2017
Media Highlights
Professor Doherty is a frequent commentator on fair trade and social enterprise issues across a range of media types. His recent highlights include:
- BBC Radio 4's You and Yours programme on 13 April, 2018, to discuss recyclable plastic packaging.
- BBC Radio 4's Farming Today programme on Monday 25th September, 2017 and Farming Today This Week on Saturday 30th September, 2017, to discuss UK food waste.
- BBC Radio 4's Farming Today Programme on Friday 4th November, 2016 to discuss country of origin labelling.
- BBC Radio York on 19th February 2017, to discuss All In It Together? community food aid in a multi-ethnic context paper.
- BBC Politics Show interview on Sunday 6th November 2011 to discuss the Development of the Fair Trade movement.
- Appearances as Fair Trade expert on BBC Radio Merseyside in March, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 for Fairtrade Fortnight debates.
- The Independent Newspaper (2012), ‘Fair Trade- It’s Been a fruitful Experience for everyone involved, The Independent, Monday 27th February 2012, p:2-3 Fairtrade Supplement
- ‘Divine’s sweet partnership with its supporters’, article for the Guardian:
- Regional press coverage- Liverpool Daily Post article for Liverpool Hope’s work on Fair Trade