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Dr Belinda Morris
Operations Director, FixOurFood


Belinda is the Operations Director of the FixOurFood programme, one of four research consortia funded by the £47.5m ‘Transforming UK Food System, Strategic Priorities Fund Programme’ delivered by UKRI.

Belinda built her experience in financial and project management while leading the Interpretation and Exhibition teams at the National Railway Museum – delivering multiple creative and award-winning projects over 16 years. Prior to that she worked as a science communicator – co-designing and delivering science events with communities around the Yorkshire region.

Belinda’s  interests lie primarily in maths and science – she holds a PhD in surface and solid state chemistry (Manchester) and tutors maths and science to Key Stage 4. Belinda is also the Manager for the N8 AgriFood Food Systems Policy Hub based at York.

Belinda Morris

School for Business and Society
University of York
Church Lane Building
York Science Park
York YO10 5ZF

T:+44 (0) 1904 325209
Room: CL/A/138